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^her outfit

The cold wind was strong and bitter. My hair whipped around into my face and I pushed it back. My eyes narrowed as I searched through the window for the one I was looking for. I was crouched on top of an apartment building and the soles of my shoes were begining to break in from how long I was perched there in that position.

I checked my watch for what seemed like the tenth time tonight. Taking a deep breath, I looked up and through the window of the family house through the scope of my gun. I could see the faint outline of a person walking in and out of the kitchen with trays of food. I kept watching, it would be hard to get a clean shot at this angle. I had to do this right, it was my personal mark for the evening.

In about thirty more minutes, the widowed neighbor, Ms. Johnson would come over, just like she did every day for the past two years to offer her condolences for my mother's death, though I know she only uses it as an excuse to see my father. I rolled my eyes at the thought. She made it too obvious that she just wanted a sugar daddy. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Though there were hundreds of people there to mourn at her funeral, I was the only person besides my father who knew that my mother didn't die of a heart attack. She was killed by my sperm donor and burried in our backyard. The body in the coffin wasn't even hers but no one would believe me if I told them. Instead of trying to convince them, I chose to leave and live a better life, being hired to kill anyone who wronged rich snobs.

So for the last month, I studied everything about my father, sister and their friends. Where they went, what they ate, who they talked to and where they would be at on a daily basis. I watched them until I was sure of a set pattern and formulated my plan. As usual, Chloe had her three friends over to watch movies and play games with our father and his right hand man, Jackson.

I watched as the light in the house next door turned on, signifying that Ms. Johnson was back from work. I immediately jumped from the roof of a nearby house, landing a little way infront of her fence. I walked up to her door and rang the bell, mentally preparing myself to put on an act. That woman was way too gulible.

I heard footsteps getting louder and soon Ms. Johnson opened the door, still dressed in her nurse's uniform. A confused expression fell onto her face and I mustered up all the energy I could and I let the faked tears fall. I then proceeded to throw myself at her to cry on her shoulder, rolling my eyes and cringing slightly. Maybe that was too much.

Soon, I was sitting with her in the living room, telling her about being 'kicked out of my apartment and losing my job again'. "Would you be a dear and get the tea tray from the kitchen darling." She asked. I gave her a fake, smile and got up, walking slowly to the kitchen and going over to the tea tray. I then quickly put on one of my leather gloves, dropped a few drops of poison in each cup then hurried with the tray to where we were sitting. I couln't have any witnesses.

"Thank you dear." She said, smiling at me as I put the tray on the coffee table and took one of the mugs from the tray. As expected, she stared at me, waiting to see me drink from the cup first. A habbit she picked up from my father during their outings.

I pretended to shift uncomfortably under her gaze and sipped small sips of the hot beverage. Once satisfied, she also took small sips from the mug in her hand. I flinched slightly as the poison infused tea went down my throat and watched as Ms. Johnson's eyes stared into the cup, confused. Soon enough, she started shaking and hacking, falling onto her hands and knees, her cup also falling to the floor, shattering into splinters.

"Wh-what did you d-do to me?" She struggled to say before erupting into another coughing fit. I got up, my face going back to its stoic expression. "I would tell you to stay away from my father, but you wont be alive for too long. You would seem like a good person to anyone else but you're really only after my father's money. Don't think I don't know how you got so rich, right after your first husband died. Make sure to beg for your husband's forgiveness in the afterlife." I stated coldly.

Putting down my mug, I slowly walked out of her house, the only sound to be heard was the sound of her dead body hitting the ground. I immediately made my way over to my father's house across the road.

I then knocked on the familiar front door. I waited until the heavy footsteps of my father were close enough to the door to take out one of my daggers.

As soon as the door swung open, I lounged at my father. Just like I predicted, he dodged it by side stepping to the left and tried to swipe my feet from under me like how he always did when sparring with me. I immediately sidestepped his outstretched leg and directed a left hook at his jaw which he wouldn't be able to dodge from that angle. A look of surprise and recognition at one of his favorite moves flashed over his face before my fist connected with his jaw.

He stumbled back into the hallway and I took that moment to lounge at him a second time, knife aiming at his heart. this time successfully stabbing but he had moved, the dagger slightly avoiding his abdomen. I twisted the knife, earning a small grunt from him. As soon as he fell to the ground, I grabbed my hand gun with a silencer and shot him in between his eyes. I walked past his corpse and into the house.

I slowly crept into the living room where I saw Chloe and my dad's friends, though Chloe was nowhere to be seen. I shook my head and took out one of my guns, shooting all four of them in the back of the head, killing them instantly.

I wiped the sweat and blood from my forehead, searching the house for my beloved sister. Eventually I found her, crouching down in front of a small wooden door, sealed with a metal lock that was hidden behind a pushed away cabinet in the basement. I shuddered in memory of that damp and small space and it angered me that another girl had to go through that.

"Where's the key to open the door Emilly! You're going to get me killed!" She whispered. I chuckled darkly, causing her to whip around in fear. When she recognised who I was, she started frantically pounding on the door.

"You always only cared about yourself. U sick bitch. Thats why noone loves you you monster." She spat desperately. Her words did nothing to phase me and fell on deaf ears. "This isn't you Cas!" She sobbed, groveling at my feet, trying to avoid her certain death. I really had no intention of letting her leave here alive.

I raised my gun, pushing the gun muzzle into the center of her forehead, crouching down to her level and smiling evilly. I pressed down slightly on the trigger, pushing down some more weight onto her head. "You truly are a monster." She spat angrily at me. I sighed, pushing the trigger all the way, watching as the light left her dull, green eyes.

I heard soft scratching and sniffling sounds coming from behind the door, reminding me that there was probably a person behind it. I shot at the lock, breaking it in two before pushing the door open. I entered the room and was greeted by a pitch black room, the smell of bodily fluids highly noticeable.

I could hear the wimpers of a dog and what I could just make out to be a little girl huddled together in the farthest corner. I took out my flashlight, mentaly thanking myself for bringing one in the first place.

I turned it on, causing the girl to look up and squint into the light and the dog to start barking at me. Realising that it was too bright for them, I pointed the flashlight to the other end of the room. The only things in the room besides the girl and the dog were an old, worn out mattress and a small toilet.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. How could they force anyone to live in a place like this again? This room just made my hate for them grow even more. I was sad that I had already killed them or I would have killed them right here and now.I turned to look back at the girl again.

This time, her eyes were well adjusted to the light so she looked right at me. When I saw her face, I let out a small, almost inaudible gasp, my stotic facade slipping. The girl before me was the splitting image of both myself and my mom. Though she looked a little younger than me, the resemblance was clearly there. This girl was most definitely my sister.

Word count: 1620
Not edited

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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