just a rant
I was looking for a song to listen to while i was reading a book ( Scythe ) and i decided to listen to an older YT playlist of mine for whatever reason. and on this playlist i have 3 Exodus albums ( Bonded By Blood, Fabulous Disaster and Pleasures Of The Flesh) and a Kreator album (Endless Pain) with a few Sodom songs scrambled in there.
So i have it on shuffle and i hear Strike Of The Beast play, completely normal. Then I hear Total Death, and im confused because it sounds like Strike Of The Beast,but with a different solo (well duh ofc its different) and different lyrics.
so i was curiuos and googled it. So apparently Exodus is a major influence on Kreator, and Exodus is a huge influence to that classic thrash sound so it makes sense why it sounds the way it does ( also BBB has been on the thrash scene since '83 so....). thats a plausible explanation since Exodus has had Bonded By Blood out circulating since '83 and '84.
But despite it having an explanation as to why it sounds so similar, it still sounds like a direct rip off.
like listen to them back to back
Am i crazy and losing my shit or does anyone else hear it?
Random shit
Randomread the title. mostly rants, a few questionable things, rock n roll and metal :)