Chapter 3

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{At the BLACKPINK'S House}

Time: 7:40 a.m.

Jisoo's Room

"Ugh. What happen last night?" Jisoo wakes up and rubs her eyes and scans herself and saw a hickey on her neck

"Wait....WAIT! I was with Gabriel?! Did I and hi-"

"Morning, Jichu." Gabriel said with a kind smile sleeping beside Jisoo

"M-morning, Gabriel." Jisoo replied back to Gabriel with a small smile


"Did you like the mark I gave you, Jichu?" Gabriel gave a innocent smile and kisses Jisoo's cheek, making her blush lightly

"Y-yes. But d-did we dooooo soooomething else too, Gabe?" Jisoo asked Gabriel nervously, getting flashbacks of her and Gabriel

"No, why?" Gabriel said and stands up from Jisoo's bed and fixes his dress

"You know, Jisoo. You're the most beautiful and calm human I've ever seen." Gabriel says and hugged Jisoo from behind giving small kisses to her in the cheek

"G-gabriel?....Um, Angel. You're making me nervous" Jisoo blushed after saying that to Gabriel and Gabriel on the other hand was blushing and was smiling by Jisoo's words

"Am I, dear~." Gabriel cooed into Jisoo's ear making her shiver down her spine

"Um...n-not a-anymore. Hahaha...." Jisoo laughed nervously as she gets out of Gabriel's grip and grabs Gabriel's soft yet cold arm

"What is it, dear? Are you ok?" Gabriel gave a worried look

"No. I want to give you....something." Jisoo blushed and looks at Gabriel's eyes

"What do you want to give me, Love?" Gabriel smiles back at her blushing cute face

"A*Mumbles*" Jisoo blushed and said but mumbled the half sentence

"I....didn't quite understand, dear?" Gabriel looked at her red face with a questioning look. But suddenly, Jisoo grabbed Gabriel's arm and gave him a quick kiss on his lips making the angel blush red as a tomato

"Kissu! I wanted you to give a kissu." Jisoo laughed at his blushing red face

"T-t-that's n-not fair, Jisoo! I wanted to give that first kiss to you!" The blushing angel said to Jisoo frowning

"Oh come on, Gabe! Cheer up, you can still-mmmfffff"

Gabriel then kisses Jisoo passionately on the lips. Suprising Jisoo. And there she saw two pair of white huge wings from Gabriel's back, but then the wings started bring Jisoo more closer to him and their chest's were touching eachother and Gabriel's free hands were at Jisoo's waist and Jisoo was at Gabriel's lap. Jisoo was shock and was blushing mess. Then they stop kissing and breathe heavily.

"H-h-haa! That...was fucking amazing, darling!" Gabriel laughed as he hugged Jisoo tightly and falls on the bed

"Wow Gabriel, you're really good at kissing. But how?" Jisoo blushes and cuddles into Gabriel's chest

"You're wings are fluffy and ticklely." Jisoo giggles and looks up at Gabriel's red and sweaty face

"Oh really~." Gabriel then suddenly pinned her both wrists from his one hand and the other one on Jisoo's waist

"Say. Are you ticklish?" The angel asked, smirk on his face

"Yes or no. Why?" Jisoo said giving an innocent look

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