Chapter 1: A night Mission

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Anna Kuznetsov stood near her bed. It was the middle of the night. Most of her comrades we're asleep. There were only a few others awake. The reason that Anna and the few others were awake, was because they have a night Mission to do. Anna looked down at her gun. The gun was in ruff shape because of how much it has been used. Blood and rust spots were splattered all over it. Anna looked around the room, periodically looking at the few people that were awake. She then heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see her superior and long time best friend, Lara Sokolov. "You okay? You seem a little on edge," Lara asked. Anna faked a smile and let out nervous laugh. "On edge? Me? No way," Anna nervously spurted. Lara crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me," She blurted out. Anna sighed. "I guess I am a little nervous," She accepted. Lara gave off a smile. "Everybody's a little nervous with their first night Mission. I was that way too," Lara admitted. Anna hugged Lara. Lara smiled and hugged back. "So, what's this night mission about anyway," Anna asked. Lara picked up her weapon and slung it over her shoulder. "HQ said it's a recovery mission. Something about important files being left behind or something," Lara explained. Anna looked around the room again. The only other people awake were a girl that looked younger than Anna and Lara, and two older men. "Is this really the team that HQ deemed capable," Anna scoffed. Lara sighed and nodded her head. "Seems so," She answered. Anna walked into the center of the room. Lara and the three others gathered around in a circle. "Okay, listen up! We are tasked with a recovery mission. It seems like a suicide mission but I think we can do this. Bianca, you and Ivan will be in charge of lookout. Me and Lara will be looking for the files, and Joseph will keep in touch with HQ. Everyone understand," Anna asked. Everyone nodded their heads. "Okay! Let's get these files," Anna said enthusiastically.

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