Chapter 2: Ambushed

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Anna and the rest left the barracks in a jeep. On the way, some information was told. "So, what the hell is so important about this file anyways," Bianca asked in bratty tone. Lara turned around in her seat to face Bianca. "Well little girl, if you must know, it holds our plans," She said. Bianca didn't understand. "The fuck are you talking about," Bianca said. Lara facepalmed. "It holds the Russy Federation's plans for the war against the Empire," Lara spoke. Bianca rolled her eyes. "Whatever," Bianca remarked. Joseph checked his gun. "Alright comrades, HQ said the file was left down by the riverbank up here," Joseph vocalized. Ivan loaded his pistol. "We move quick and quiet. No bullshit," he added. The group pulled up alongside the riverbank and got out. Ivan stayed in the Jeep to keep touch with the radio. Anna, Lara, Bianca, and Joseph sneaked alongside the riverbank looking for the file. "Come on you son of a bitch, where are you," Anna said. Bianca saw something shiny on the ground and picked it up. "Hey guys, I think I found it," Bianca uttered. Lara walked over to Bianca and looked at the shiny object and smiled. "You did it Bianca. You found it," Lara rejoiced. Suddenly, a shot rang out amongst the night. Bianca looked over towards Ivan. Ivan was slumped over the Jeep door, dead. Bianca quickly moved her head over to look across the river. She saw multiple reflections. "Ambush," Bianca screamed in a panic. Suddenly, multiple shots rang out. The team found themselves outnumbered and outgunned. Joseph was only able fire of a few bullets before being blown up by a shell. Anna was completely terrified, hiding behind the small amount of cover she could find. "Shit! Shit! Not good," Anna thought to herself. Lara crouched over to Anna. "Anna! Pull yourself togeth-," Lara was cut off by getting half of her head blown off. Lara's blood splattered onto Anna's face, tears rolling down her cheeks. Lara's lifeless corpse fell onto Anna's lap. Anna looked down in fear and confusion. "Lara," She asked hoping for a response but to no avail. Anna looked over to the only other member alive, Bianca. Bianca started to get scared, as children do. Bianca fired off her machine gun quickly. However, she stepped on a landmine. Bianca looked over at Anna with tears in her eyes before being blown up into the sky. She landed on the ground with a loud thud. Anna was expecting to see a dead corpse. However, Bianca was alive, despite losing her right leg and left arm. Anna quickly dug into her pocket and threw Bianca the keys to the Jeep. "Hurry up and get back to base," Anna said. "But what about you," Bianca asked. A bullet flew right over Anna's head, knocking off her helmet. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Leave! That's an order," Anna ordered. With the last of her strength, Bianca crawled into the Jeep and drove away at top speed. Anna then noticed that she was still holding the file.  "Fuck! I gotta get out of here," Anna thought to herself. Anna started to here splashes from the river. "Shit! Their coming," Anna thought. With the last ounce of strength she had, Anna got up and ran. The shots rang out around her. Anna picked up Bianca's machine gun. She then ran into the forest, with the enemy right behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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