The Wolf and The Prince

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"Let's see... Yes, they should be around here somewhere... I could have sworn there were plenty among the bushes last I was here..."

Aramis traipsed down the path that led out of Quarrymill as he squinted through the shade at his surroundings. He walked slowly, careful not to let his clothes catch on branches and brambles around him, and the trees of the Shroud surrounded him as they endured their silent vigil. The dappled light was bright and warm, as the great star had just begun its descent within the sky; There would be plenty of time left in the day, but he would need to be mindful if he was to be on time for his meeting.

It wouldn't do to keep his friends waiting, after all.

"Ah, here we are." A few yalms ahead he could see a flash of bright purple; lavender, to be precise. He steadied his pace, eager to collect his prize, but not wanting to hurry too badly, lest he cause himself to sweat. Setting down a small satchel, he squatted down next to the plant, studying it carefully to find the best place to retrieve it from the ground. "What a lovely thing you are," he murmured, pulling out a small knife. He began to balance his blade close to the stem. Closing one eye and adjusting his spectacles, he measured about an ilm away from the base of the stem. However...

"C-come on Aramis, steady yourself..." his hands were shaking as he grasped the knife between his fingers, sharp pain shooting up his arm unexpectedly. He struggled to keep hold of it, grasping his arm with his left hand to steady it. What a dreadful feeling it was... doubly so since it had cost him his composure the night before. After several moments, the pain began to cease, and his arms became steady once more. A long sigh escaped his lips. What a terrible day for a curse.

He took some time to ensure the pain would not return, before resuming his task of gathering the lavender. Every cut was gentle and precise, doing all that he could to avoid needlessly damaging the purple plant. Each cut was placed gently into his bag, a neat little pile of fragile treasures, and he covered them softly with a handkerchief.


A quiet chirp sounded from behind him, and he glanced down near his feet to find a small, green toad. He shifted away from it, worried he might accidentally place his boot down on top of it.

"Ah, excuse me." He said, though he wasn't sure why. Perhaps he was starting to pick up habits from Pavel - though his friend had reason to speak with such a creature. Regardless, he hadn't the time to stay and chat with it. So he gave it a slow nod before walking back down the path, hoping to continue on with his gathering. He always enjoyed visits to the Shroud; the flora was abundant and varied, and no matter which way one went, there was beauty to be found. The Calamity had done much to change Gridania's forests, of this he was aware, but despite this it seemed that nature had persevered.

He wandered towards another clearing, this time traveling north of Quarrymill, and stumbled into another patch of flowers - daisies, if he wasn't mistaken. No, he couldn't possibly be, as he recognized them as the flowers that often adorned Pavel's hair. They were beautiful in their simplicity, and he decided he should collect some; at the very least, Pavel could make good use of them. He bent down to cut them from the stem, just as he had the lavender, but he was interrupted by a firm, scolding voice.

"Aha! So you're the one who's been taking all the flowers!" He turned his head around to find a young Miqo'te standing behind him, her arms crossed as she stared at him. She couldn't have been older than her teens; short, white hair cropped messily on each side, oaky eyes that squinted at him judgmentally, and bright clothing that stood out against the earthy browns of the forest. To him, the girl seemed positively miniature, but their difference in height didn't seem to deter her one bit.

"I- er..." he ran his fingers behind his head sheepishly, feeling embarrassed to be reprimanded by a child. "I believe you must be mistaken..."

Her face was full of doubt as she peered at him with dark, oaky eyes. "Then I suppose you won't mind if I check that bag you have, there?"

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