Dare 65

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Steven: Alright. This time we're going to do this bee prank on those who actually deserve it. And wouldn't you know it: Kevin is in limo with Pacifica's parents.

Dipper: Three rich snobs in one place? Let's get them. And don't worry: Already cleared it with Pacifica and she's OK with it despite it being her parents.

Marco:No love for them, I'd guess.

Lincoln:Here comes the limo. Get ready.

*Meanwhile in the Limo*

Ms Northwest:You're quite the gentleman, Kevin. If only our daughter had chosen someone like you.

Kevin:I'd treat her like a queen. Don't know why she's with that guy she's with now.

Mr Northwest: Believe me, that will soon....


Mrs Northwest:The limo just stopped! Driver, what is the meaning of this?!?

Driver:Someone just stopped it. And he's standing right in front of it holding it with his hand!!!

Kevin:*sees who it is* Universe!!! It's him!!!

Mr Northwest:That's one of Pacifica's friends! He's friends with that wretched boyfriend of hers!!!!

Mrs Northwest:He's that half alien freak!!!! Why is he doing this?!? What issue does he have with us?!?

Dipper:*from the sunroof* That half alien freak is my friend!

Mr Northwest:YOU!!!

Mrs Northwest:Get down from there!!!

Lincoln:OK! But we got a present for you 3! *Pours bees into the limo*

*Kevin and the Northwests scream as they're stung multiple times*



Dipper:That HAS to be painful.

Pacifica:It is. Trust me.

Steven:.....So should we let them out?

Marco:Eh. Maybe after our girlfriends stop looking so good.

Steven:*looks at Connie* Nope. Still looks good!

Me:Keep em coming guys!






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