How Many Girls Did You Use That On?🤣✅

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"You gotta start wearing the silk. That's what gets the girls. You can't wear- Never mind." I said walking away because the assholes weren't even listening. I saw this fine ass counselor and walked up to her.

"Put it in my box." She said out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry. What?" I said making sure I heard her correctly.

"Put it in my box. Just take it out and put it in my box." She said again and I know I wasn't going crazy.

"Oh you saying that in front of a lot of people right now. You sure about that?" I said looking around.

"Can you put your cell phone in the box, please?" She said pulling out a box

"Whoo! Phone! Yes yeah I thought you meant something else. I was" I started to stuttering.

"What'd you think I meant?" She asked.

"You don't wanna know what I thought you were..." I said nervously chuckling.

"Dariush. Did you.....?"

"No no I didn't think that, no I didn't..." I said looking in my pockets.

"You know what, to be honest with you, I left my phone at home. I don't have my cell phone with me."

"Ah. Okay." She said and I walked away.

Lexi and I decided to walk around the camp and no one asked us about anything so we were good for right now.

"Kianna I'm hungry when can we eat?" Lexi whined to me.

"I don't know just wait till lunch or something." I told her

There was a big crowd I pushed pass a couple of people to see what was going on and it was the ginger head from earlier and his mom singing "ain't no mountain high enough" and everyone was just watching. His mom kissed him and left.

"At least he has a mom" I whispered to Lexi and she just nudged me in the arm.

"Oww it was just a joke" I said rubbing my arm.

Later on that day we finally ate and then it was time to do activities, and I most definitely wanted to do zip lining so bad.

" Ohh Lexi we should go zip lining." I said pulling her towards the long line of kids. We stood behind the ginger head boy and he sounded like he was panicking.

"Hey, are you ok." Lexi asked him as he looked back at us.

"Yeah." He said and fake smiled.

"I'm Lexi and this is my friend Kiana." Lexi said and I just waved at him he was really scared.

"Hi I'm Alex" he said.

"Come on ginger nugget your up." Some Guy with long hair said to Alex.

"This is gonna be fun." I said to Lexi.

"Yup can't wait." She said smiling and fixing her helmet.

Alex started climbing and then we couldn't see him anymore but after a while he was climbing back down weird.

"What's he doing?" I asked.

"I don't know maybe he's scared or something." Lexi said watching him come back down he was panting and struggling to take his thing off.

"Hey, hey stop. So your this summer's chickenshit, huh?" Long hair said taking the the thing off of him.

"Hey, ima go check on him ok? Go on without me." Lexi said. I raised my eyebrows a little.

"Ok." I said and started climbing as she walked away. I got to the top and there stood three dudes two older guys and one that looked 14.

"Wait what's your name again I must of forgot it." The tall guy wit a beard said.

" Kianna, your not a very good counselor if you keep forgetting the campers names." I said to him as he clipped my thing up.

"Shut up, Anyways you are good to go. Safety first." He said.

"Sup girl? I'm Dariush. Is this a lay over because we're making that connection ya feel me?" Dariush said smiling at me.

"How many girls did you use that on, cause it's pretty ass. Anyways see ya." I said and lifted my legs up and zoomed towards the trees.

Instead of sitting outside with everyone me and Lexi stayed in our cabin.

"Is that Alex kid ok?" I asked Lexi.

"Yeah, he's just scared of hights."

"Ok well you better not fall for him." I said to her.

"What? Eww no, he's like 13." She said.

"Lexi you know your only 14 you know that right?"

"Whatever just shut up."

I was walking around trying to find something to do so I just kept walking around until I walked past the shed that most counselors were in watching tv.

"A NASA spokeswoman has said The agency's repeated attempts to contact the International space station are failing. But stopped short of revealing possible causes. When asked if the ISS and it's three scientist on board could be in danger, The agency held firm that it is doing everything it can to restore communication." The lady on the tv said but

before I could hear the rest one of the guys closed the door in my face. Now I was just walking around again trying to find something to do. I was walking past the camp fire and the flashbacks started to come back.

I walked towards the bridge and saw someone in the distance but thought nothing of it, until I saw that it was ZhenZhen. We looked at each other till she looked towards the sky and so did I.

I'm not the best at describing things so deal with it please and thank you. 🫶🏾

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