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𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐎 (v.)

to fall in love again



    (Y/N) stared up at the gleaming metal train, the locomotive which would take her to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, for the very last time. Perhaps it was a sense of nostalgia that ran through upon knowing this would be her final year at the school, or perhaps she was just reminiscing about times long ago.

"(Y/N)!" A voice called out. "There you are!"

(Y/N) turned at her name, finding a girl about the same age as herself pushing through the crowds to reach her. The girl was beautiful—stunning, even—with smooth brown skin that paired well with long, shimmering raven hair tinged blue, her eyes a mesmerizing lapis. A bright smile was on her face even as she drug her heavy luggage behind her, her blue and black robes fluttering with each step she took until she finally stopped.

    "Hi, Èlisabeth," (Y/N) smiled at her friend who was now struggling to catch her breath. "Are you okay? You look a little winded there."

    "Oh... bugger... off..." she panted, watching as (Y/N) chuckled. "You just walk too damn fast."

    "Well, I don't want to miss the train."

    "We've never missed the train," Èlisabeth pointed out as she straightened, cracking her neck and then her back to loosen the strain in her muscles and joints. "Besides, if you didn't wait for me, you could've been stuck sitting beside some rando. Do you really want that?"

    "You wouldn't let that happen," (Y/N) pointed out with a smirk, knowing she was right by the way Èlisabeth rolled her eyes.

After loading up their owls and luggage, the only thing the two needed to do was find their seats, the train crowded with students and the like all clamoring and shouting either to friends or for the trolly decked out in sweets. Slipping into a cart which was thankfully empty, the girls settled into the two open window seats gratefully. Glancing out the window, meeting the (E/C) eyes of her reflection, (Y/N) then focused on the flooded station, imagining her parents there amongst the crowd, wishing they were yet knowing they couldn't be since they were muggles; Muggles were not allowed access to the train station.

    The loud blowing of the whistle and the jolt of the wheels signaled that the train was taking off, the large locomotive slowly moving forward.

"It's hard to imagine this is it," (Y/N) sighed whilst leaning back into the soft leather seat.

"What do you mean?" Èlisabeth hummed.

"This is our last year," she continued softly as she propped her head up, now staring aimlessly out the window and the landmasses rushing by with their ever picking up speed. "After this, we can decide what we want to do with our lives: we can be a magic Professor, an inventor, a Ministry Official—whatever. Yet... I'm not sure of anything."

"You still have time," Èlisabeth chuckled with a comforting smile. "Don't worry too much."

"Easier said than done."

"Or worry yourself away and regret not making the most of your last year," she gave (Y/N) a pointed look until they both ended up laughing.

    The two then descended into chatter about anything during the long ride to school, day slowly turning into night with the sky holding an endless blanket of stars upon their arrival to Hogwarts. After exiting the train, students filed into boats that would lead them across the lake, the clear water reflecting the breathtaking moon whilst tiny ripples appeared in its glass-like surface. The entire lake surrounded the looming castle of a school in front of them, small circles of light dotting the stone walls.

It was magnificent.

The interior was even more spectacular.

    High rising arches of stone caught the ceiling, paintings galore decorating the walls and uniquely beautiful designs carved into the stone, many wondering if this were a school at all. The returning students' feet thundered along the tiled floor until they all stopped, an older woman standing before them at the foot of a stone stairway, a small smile gracing her worn face while the crooked black hat sitting atop her tightly woven locks shifted slightly as she moved forward.

    "Welcome back, students," Professor Minerva McGonagall announced loudly. "Please, go up the steps to the Great Hall whereas I will be escorting the first years who will be joining you shortly."

As a chorus of 'yes's' followed her commands, (Y/N) and Èlisabeth waved to the elderly teacher when they passed, eventually throwing open the heavy double doors to the dining room. The wide area was filled with four long tables, two on either side as to make space for an open walkway to the front where a podium sat, another table for staff and teachers behind that. What made the room so special was the enchantment placed upon the ceiling, able to look like the starry night sky lit with candles floating around, making it all the more breathtaking.

"I'll see you later, Èlisabeth," (Y/N) waved to the girl as they parted to go to their respective House's tables, Slytherin for her and Ravenclaw for Èlisabeth. "Let's meet up soon, 'kay?"

"You got it!" Èlisabeth called back.

Sitting down at her table, (Y/N) glanced around the area to see that most of her past Housemates had returned, some however she didn't see, making her think they had transferred to a different wizarding school. Though rare, it did happen. She then flicked her gaze to the side when someone sat down next to her, the boy that did so having messy light green hair and piercing silver eyes. A pair of wire-framed glasses was perched on his nose, the light of the room bouncing off the material.

"Hey, Nikki," (Y/N) greeted the boy, his full name being Nikolai yet she preferring his nickname more. "Didn't see you on the train. What happened?"

"Hm?" Nikolai's brow raised. "Nothing—my parents just escorted me here."

"That's too bad..." she rested her chin against the palm of her hand with a smirk, her fingers picking at the cloth lain upon the wooden table's surface. "Because, you know... Èlisabeth was with me." She watched as Nikolai stiffened at that before continuing, "We had a train cart all to ourselves... really, it's too bad..."

Nikolai face-palmed.

(Y/N) snickered.


— 𝐓 𝐎  𝐁 𝐄  𝐂 𝐎 𝐍 𝐓 𝐈 𝐍 𝐔 𝐄 𝐃 —

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