Chapter 17

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Tae - mi so are u ready I am outside
(he texted mi so)
Mi so - I am done just coming
Mi so - Tae (she called)
Tae - he waved his hand towards her
Mi so - let's go
Tae - hmm
He opened the car door for her and both sat in the car
Mi so - btw where are we going
Tae - shall I surprise u
Mi so - surprise
Tae - hmm
After half an hour they reached
Mi so was opening the door when Tae stopped her
Tae - wait
Mi so - why
Tae got down went to her side and opened the door for her and gave her his hand
Mi so hold it and got down and saw a beautiful decoration in front of her eyes
Mi so - it's so beautiful
Tae - you like it
Mi so - yeah
Tae - come let's go and sit and eat I am hungry
Mi so - yeah
There was a stair which she did not notice and twisted her ankle and was going to fall when Tae held her
Tae - are you okay mi so be careful
Mi so - Ahh it pains
Tae - picked her up in bridal style
Mi so was amazed she was looking at his face adoring him
He made her sit on a chair and was twisting her ankle so that it cures.
Tae - does it pain
Mi so - Tae shall we date, I like you
Tae - huhh
Mi so - no no no I meant to say that... That let's date
Tae was looking at her in shock
Tae - are you okay
Mi so - why don't you wanna date me
Tae - no Its not like that earlier you said
Mi so - forget what I said earlier I really start having feelings for you I don't know why it's just one day I met you and I think I don't know what I think yk
Tae - give me a day let's talk tomorrow
Let's eat the food
Mi so - okay
They both ate their food and and left the place it was a silent ride. When they reached mi so 's house Tae just said sorry vmbut mi so didn't reply and left
Mi so pov
Ahh why did I confess like that shit I would have waited now my heart would break cuz I don't think he might have had feelings for me yet. Aishhhhhhhhhh
Ahh why did she confess so fast Ahh I am not ready yet what shall I do. I can't break her heart Ahh wait lemme call JK he has a solution always
Tae - Hyaa JK how are you
JK - Hyaa lovely are you in a problem
Tae - how do know
JK - cuz u only call when you are in a problem
Tae - Hyaa mi so said she likes me
JK - Hyaa Hyung party party
Tae - what party I didn't say anything
JK - you are so dumb
Tae - I still don't have any feelings for her how can I
JK - who's telling you to propose her for wedding just tell you like her too enough
Tae - but
JK - just don't break her heart just say you like her and while dating you might have feelings for her I am sure .
Tae - OK fine, bye
Yo seob - y/n what is your decision
Y/n - nope
Yo seob - what
Y/n - I can't abort this child no if you don't want it okay I will take care of my child I won't abort it
Yo seob - r u gone mad ,did u lose your brain
Y/n - whatever u think get lost
Yo seob - fine
Yo seob left the house y/n was sitting on the couch with hands on her stomach
Y/n - my little baby I will take care of you myself.

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