Chapter 5

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(your back in hell btw sry I didn't know what to do for the kill mission so let's just say you killed multiple people and the imps thought you were Badass.)

"DIE MOTHERF#CKER" you scream. You smile widely at the sounds of your victim screaming in pain and agony. You step back after you were sure they were dead. And then take the time to admire the lovely bloody mess before you. Your just about to leave when you hear somebody scream "agh what the hell!" A demon screams from behind you you turn your head to see a random demon looking at the scene in shock "you did this" he asks before he has the chance to say anymore you run walk up to him grab his shoulder and whisper in his ear "sorry but there can be no witness" you quickly cover his mouth and stab him in the stomach. You them hold him in that position till all the life has drained from his body.. you throw his body over your shoulder and proceeded to do the same with your previous victims body. You walk around looking for a place to dispose of the body's you eventually find a dumpster and a match you throw both body in to the dumpster and trow the lit match into the dumpster catching it on fire. After you finished that you decided to head to work, oh God that sounds weird 'work' your actually working for someone now. Damn I must have lost my mind well whatever on the walk there you were completely lost in thought that you accidentally rand into a lampost causing the world around you turn to black and just like that you to lose consciousness......

[Dream Start]

You look at your hands to see normal human skin you were human again!"HELL YES! wait somethings different... WHY AM I A CHILD" you pat all over your body wide-eyed you look around only to find yourself in your childhood home. Your mom in the kitchen and your baby brother playing with his toys in the living room. Memories soon start flooding your brain and unfortunately it was all the bad one the much missed heartwarming scene before you began to change into a nightmare.... The room got really dark the well kept living room was now torn apart your mom now sitting in the living room dead with a slit throat brother badly hurt bleeding and you watch your self just cry and do nothing... You grit your teeth and look at the killer only to be filled with more rage by the terrible memory it was your birth father who killed your real family! your brother, your mom....
The scene changes once again but this time it doesn't stop it was like flipping through channels on TV except more emotional with every memory playing on fast forward in your head beings to hurt soon the pain becomes unbearable....

[Dream End]

*Gasp* you wake up in a panic wide eyed and sweating you look at your hands"oh"you say slightly sad you weren't human anymore... You were still on the ground were you had fallen, your horns hurt like hell.. you must had fallen on them when you fell. You stand up and look around and mumble"what the fuck...." Blitz was standing in front of you staring at you with a smirk "why so down (y/n)"blitzo says snickering at his own joke. You blush slightly from embarrassment you then stand up and look at him when his eyes me yours you look him dead in the eyes he stops laughing and blitz gulps and says "eh um It was ju-" you flip him the middle finger and walk away sighing and scream back at him "I'll be at work tomorrow!" He just stands there in relief and you two began to walk your different ways when all of a sudden a you bump into the one and only Verosica Mayday.. "oh fuck"

Duh duh duhhhh!! \(• ∆ •\)

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