Chapter 3: Taking down the Demon Lord of Quirks and Beginning a New Life

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Back with the Adults, they were all on their knees as they were exhausted and injured from fighting All for One while he was perfectly fine.

All for One: Is this the best you heroes can do?

Summer: D-Damn it...Not even a scratch.

All for One: At this rate, you should have said goodbye to your students since that boy will probably kill them.

Serafall: Don't talk like that...Y/n's not like that!

All for One: Oh? Then tell me what do you know of the boy?

Serafall: I...

All for One: I know you all don't know anything about the boy at all. He was just a punching bag for all of your students, especially the blonde girl.

Summer: Shut up!

Summer rushed at All for One swinging her Kusarigama's at him until he used an air force quirk sending her back.

All for One: You all are feeder characters who will help me rise to be the greatest demon lord

???: Is that what you think?

The side of a hammer could be seen hitting the side of All for One's mask before he gets blasted away. Everyone looked to see Y/n holding Nora's hammer.

Ruby: Momma, are you okay?

All of the adults looked to see their students running to them.

Summer: Ruby...What's going on?

Ruby: We were able to change Y/n's mind about killing Yang and he'll help us with All for One.

Qrow: You kids are crazy.

Yang: But that's what makes us awesome! Right now, it's all in the hands of Y/n.


All for One was pulling himself out of some rubble before staring down at Y/n.

All for One: So you've decided to rejoin their side.

Y/n: Rejoin? I haven't rejoined anything. After this, I'll be on my own.

All for One: I see. Then you are just another feeder character!

All for One's fingers changed into black tendrils shooting off towards Y/n while pumped his arms as Yang's gauntlet appeared before he started using the recoil from her built-in shotgun to dodge the tendrils.

Y/n: To become the greatest demon lord is what you want to be, huh?  Then I'll be the side character that brings you down.

Y/n used the recoil to continue to make his way to All for One before dodging another tendril and hitting his side with Nora's hammer.

All for One: A person's weapon depends on the wielder's strength. This boy is using pure and solid power to overpower me. I will not accept it!

All for One was about to use a fire quirk to attack Y/n until...

Izumi: Smash!

Izumi came from behind and kicked the back of All for One's head distracting him enough for Y/n to send another hit to his mask.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Izumi: We need to support each other if we're gonna bring him down. Let me help you.

Y/n: Heh. Just don't get in the way of my strikes.

Izumi: You got it.

All for One: So the one housing my brother's quirk is going to fight me? How interesting...

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