Chapter 4: Leap of Faith

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I don't think I've moved at all by the time Spyro wakes up, too engrossed in my research. The sound of him waking up pulls my attention away from my laptop screen. Even before he moves, before I'm even sure he's actually awake or not, his breathing changes, getting heavy and fast. He jerks awake, sitting up quickly, looking around wildly, panicked. My own heartbeat picks up as I look around. Does he see something I can't? But no...Leylina and Ghastly are both as calm as ever, so that can't be it.

Before I can figure it out, Spyro looks over at me and smiles, visibly relaxing as he shifts to sit back against the back of the couch. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I say, even though I want to ask why he looked so panicked. He seems calm now though, and that calms me down. He wouldn't be so relaxed if something bad was here or about to happen. Spyro yawns, getting up and disappearing down the hall.

"Working on your blog?" he asks when he comes back out after a couple minutes.

I shake my head, then consider that. "Well, maybe. My first ghost story would probably be much more interesting than all the second hand stuff I usually write."

"Ah, you're writing about last night."

"Not yet. I was trying to do some research first."

"Find anything?"

"No," I almost sigh. "I've never gone off nothing but an address before."

Spyro smiles, coming to stand behind me and look over my shoulder, "Too used to having all the hard parts done for you?"

I don't like to admit it, but he's right. Researching already known ghost stories is one thing. Making the ghost story is completely different and apparently a lot harder. I don't even know what I'm doing.

"Did you check the news records for this address?" Spyro asks.

"Yes, but the news doesn't usually give out addresses. I guess reporters draw the line somewhere after all."

"Or the law does."

"Probably that."

"Police reports?"

I look at him, "You guys can do that?"

"I'm not sure it's legal, but yeah. Borden's older sister is the chief of police in Fall River."

"Lizzie Borden's great great great...whatever many times granddaughter is the chief of police," I muse. "The only thing that would be better would be if she was a judge," I decide, making Spyro laugh. His laugh makes me smile.

I tun away from him again, looking at my computer screen without really seeing it. The more time I spend with him, the more I want to go with him to Fall River. To go anywhere with him, really. Anywhere but here. And the less I want him to leave, even to go to his hotel room. Somehow it feels like all of this has been a dream that I'm too scared to wake up from. I can't even bring myself to entirely hate being attacked by a ghost, because it was something in a life that for too long has felt grey and motionless. Maybe that's not an entirely healthy point of view, but I've been past the point of caring for years.

"I'm going to change," I get up and go to my room without looking at Spyro, closing the door behind me. I don't bother trying to rush, figuring he'll leave while I'm in here anyway. I try to change into jeans, but they're all too big for me anyway, and while a belt will hold them on they'll look ridiculous and be too baggy to be entirely comfortable. So I pull on my old silver skirt instead, checking it once it's on to make sure there's still only the one hole on the outside, near the bottom – the inside layer hangs in shreds now, but that's not visible. I change into a white tank top, then go to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth before going back into the living room. I stop at the end of the hallway, surprised to see Spyro still here, and now he's sitting at my desk, reading something on my computer.

Anima's Ghost: The Summer Before (Song Line Echoes, book 2)Where stories live. Discover now