Chapter Six

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I was in the cave with aspen and i sat up looking around then look down at aspen who was asleep next to me, i sighed deeply of thinking what's going to happen in the future

I got up and stretched before going over to the water and cupping them in my hands and splashing my face to get my self awake

Stood up and walked around the cave examining it, i then got a small stick and lit it on fire, but not bright enough to wake aspen

I looked at a wall and seen some writing on it strange writing, symbols even, they look like an old ancient war that happened thousands of years ago

It looks like that the smoke wolves and the other packs were at war at points in time before the peace happens, odd

It shows in ancient writing, witch my mother taught me when i was young

In order to kill the alpha predator  of Yellowstone, the packs and one heir to the smoke wolves, must assemble together and fight with all their might, to bring peace across Yellowstone

It's not a ancient war, it's a prophecy! I need to tell everyone else now!

I blew out the flame and went over to shake aspen to wake her up "hey, i got news" i said shaking her lightly and she looked up and rubbed her eye "hm? What's the news?" She asked sitting up

"I found a prophecy of the war, it shows all of the packs join together and one heir to the smoke wolves to fight against the alpha predator witch is my father, to bring peace to Yellowstone" i said with excitement in my voice 

She looked up and smiled at me "that's great news! Are you going to tell the alpha?" She asked "yeah of course, i want my father dead more then anyone" i said, and that was a weird thing to say

Aspen got up and i did as well she went over and leaned against my body tapping my left peck and says "well i know you do, but, right now, till we get to no man's land, let's not think about hating his guts, let's think about our future together"

I hold her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck and i kiss her and she kisses me "your right, i should focus on the future for now" i said slowly spinning her around kissing her again seductively,
She did the same and then lick my nose

"Ummmm i hope I'm not interrupting but the alpha would like to see you ash" riptide said poking his head out of the water

I looked at him growling "one, don't ease drop! Two, I'll be there in a minute, just let me get my shirt on and i'll let you know"

He nodded and dive down, i went to put my shirt on and when i did so, i see aspen looking down into the water

I went over and put my hand on her shoulder "hey, i promise that our future together, will be great" i said as i put on my helmet and dive into the water grabbing onto riptide's fin and he starts swimming to the den


"Alright, so the cave your staying in has old ancient writing that is a prophecy of the battle between us and your father and it shows if all packs assemble that we will defeat him?" Alpha gill asked

I nodded "that's right, it shows in ancient writing that if all packs assemble against the alpha predator, then  it says it'll bring peace to Yellowstone" he then put his hand under his chin

"Well the winter wolves would most definitely agree since you've been with them your whole life, we will agree and the sand wolves maybe not or maybe they would, but however, the smoke wolves getting on our side will be a problem, because they are scared of the alpha" he said

I think for a sec "i can maybe get them on our side, its take some talking to do but I'm sure i can get them on our side"

He sighed, "alright, if your sure about this, because, i don't know if i am fully trusted with your plan, but it might work, might not, we'll see"


I held onto riptide's fin as we swim through the cave that was made from their magic ancestors and aspen was riding on aqua back

And the water wolves army was behind us

I looked up to see we were coming to the surface of the river of where the desert River

"Well here we are in the  desert of dunes" riptide said as we get out of the water and we all turn into our human forms and the soldiers pulled out their spears and i looked around

I made a 'hmmmm' sound then in the distance i heard what sounds like moving fast through

I looked over my shoulder to see 10 movements in the sand coming to us and i pulled out my whip sword and aspen pulled out her battle axe, and riptide pulled out his kusarigma and aqua took out her nagitata

I went in front of everyone and the sand wolves jumped out of the sand with arm blades on each arm, looks like the one with many scars is in the middle

"You the alpha?" I said pointing my curve blade at the middle one "yes i am, and if i may ask, what are you all doing in the sand wolves territory?" He asked walking a little closer

I looked at him in the eyes "I'm ash, son of alpha smog, i came here to ask for your alliance against him, i lived my whole life with the winter wolves, my adoptive mother was killed sometime ago by my father, i want him dead, and so does everyone else behind me, i saw a prophecy in one of the water wolves cave, it shows if we all band together, we can take out alpha smog and bring peace to the land" he looked at me

"Well me alpha dune, will have to think about your alliance, we do want to be free from what the smoke wolves could do with us at any second, and we do want peace, but what is in it for us?" he asked looking at all of us

Riptide chime in "well i, general riptide, can maybe get alpha gill to give you guys unlimited access to the lake" alpha dune nodded but then looked back at me

I looked at him "if i become alpha when we all defeat my father, i can maybe talk to the other two into letting everyone go to places they want freely and maybe bring together the wolves and bring peace" i said hoping to get a good answer from him

"Your ways are very good sounding, alright, we'll join" he said as he shook mine and riptide's hand, then he used his hand and a cave opened up from the dunes

"You all will be here till we returned with our army" alpha dune said as he turned into his wolf form and so did the other sand wolves and the went away

Riptide came to me "before we left i told a messenger to tell alpha frost to get his army over here so we can get this whole battle thing over with" he said patting my back

I smiled "thanks buddy, now, go spend time with aqua, get to know her better and maybe let her like you more" i said and he blushed

He rubbed his arm "i don't know....., is it a good idea? If she turns me down, then what'll happen? " he asked looking down "whatever path you choose riptide, whatever path you choose" i said going into the cave

I turned into my wolf form and a little Satanic symbol came in front of my mouth and i hit a big area for me and aspen, making it warm

I layed down and aspen came over and layed down next to me "i hope we'll be able to take down your father with the big army we have" she said nuzzling me

I nuzzle her back "i hope the same aspen, i hope the same" i said as i continue to nuzzle her

(Alright that'll end it her and i hope you guys enjoyed it, see you guys in the next chapter ok byeeeeee)

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