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He stared blankly into space and it seems like his mind is empty. It's been days since Zhan suggested that they live under the same roof, but Yibo has been avoiding him unconsciously.

Because there is so much going on at school, they don't seem to cross paths. Club recruitment is ongoing, and because they are freshman, they are choosing multiple groups. 

Yibo's blank stare was interrupted when he noticed Zhan in the distance talking to someone else.

When he saw the man touch Zhan's cheek, he became irritated and his face grew even more sour when he saw Zhan smiling with that man. When Zhan abruptly turned to face him, he immediately avoided his gaze.

 Yibo had no idea that Zhan was already aware that he was staring, which is why he laughed with another guy. 

Zhan is not only intelligent, but also gutsy. He noticed Yibo avoiding him after he mentioned living together, but he believes Yibo will agree. Perhaps not now, but soon.

The class was over and like before, Yibo didn't talk to or look at Zhan. Yibo was stunned when he spotted the man with Zhan earlier at the door of their classroom. His blood pressure was rising again, and he had no idea what to do. For him, living together is too much, but seeing Zhan with another guy feels like suicide.

'Arghh, screw it.' When Zhan stood up, he grabbed it by the wrist and turned him around to face him. 

"Don't go" Yibo said with sulky eyes. Zhan enjoys what he sees because Yibo appears to be quite cute with that expression. Yibo cleared his throat and said "He looks untrustworthy." Zhan chuckled and snatched his wrist away from him. He put his hands in his pockets and placed his face close to Yibo's.

"You avoided me. I assumed you declined." he sighed. Yibo was speechless because he knew Zhan was telling the truth. Zhan quickly looked away from him because he was silent.

He stopped him from walking away and said "Fine, just don't go with that man" Zhan secretly smirked and turned to Yibo with mischievous grin on his face.

"What? i didn't hear" He continued to tease. Yibo rolled his eyes and shrugged yet he still repeated what he said.

Zhan's totally satisfied with Yibo's reaction. He smiled at Yibo and held his hand so his eyes widened at him. Yibo immediately stood up and just let Zhan pulled by him.

Yibo's forehead furrowed when he realized that they are headed to the man he hated who was with Zhan earlier. When they stopped infront of that guy, Zhan smiled.

"This is Yibo,My~" He paused and look at Yibo who's staring at him and looks nervous of what he's going to say. He chuckled. "My boyfriend" he continued. Yibo's too stunned to speak and just smile at the guy. "And this is Zhuo Cheng, my brother" He stated.

When Yibo processes what Zhan said, his eyes widened. That surprised him. He had almost murdered his lover's brother in his head earlier, and he didn't know where to begin.

"Oh so you're Yibo" his heartbeat was loud, and that he was worried about what his lover's older brother might say. "Take Zhan away. I don't want to see him in my house any longer." A-cheng said that makes Yibo speechless. He didn't expected it that they didn't get along. "He's been in my room like forever. Please take him." he added. Zhan pouted and cling to his brother.

"How dare you! Is it because you need space for~~" Zhan responded with a cheeky smile. "~iww you're dirty a-cheng" He pretended to be imagining something nasty that made A-cheng frown. 

"fix your brain then comeback" Cheng replied and turned to Yibo. Yibo's posture stiffened instantly. "I guess he's sleeping with you tonight" Yibo gulped as he nodded. Zhan laughed a little and reach to hold Yibo's hand. 

"Don't scare him. You look ugly" zhan said and laughed. He immediately pulled Yibo and they start running while A-cheng looks furious and screamed at what zhan stated. 

They completely stopped running once they were out of school. Yibo exhaled and turned to face Zhan. When their eyes met, he remembered what Zhan had said, and he blushed instantly.

'How can he say something like that without getting embarrass?,' Yibo wondered. 

"I'll borrow your clothes for a while. My brother seems to have important business at home" Zhan explained.

Yibo just nodded and guide the way but Zhan boredom starts to hit him so he immediately hold Yibo's hand and walk beside him. Yibo appears to need air. Zhan is too straightforward and aggressive for him, but even when zhan points out almost everything Yibo dislikes about someone, he feels differently about it. 

They walked like real lovers until they reached yibo's appartment. They entered Yibo's apartment and Zhan's eyes immediately widened as he looked around. He did not expect the surroundings to be dirty but not even a single dirt could be seen. It looks like a new move and the equipment is not used either.

"It looks new" Zhan stated and Yibo cough. 

"Huh? i just don't stay here much" He said and Zhan just nodded.

Zhan took a look inside at the only door. He opened it and appeared to see Yibo's room. He basically opened his mouth and walked in without the permission of the owner.

He entered and sat on the his bed. 'Ohh it doesn't seem to be used much yet,' Zhan murmured to himself. 'But his pheromones definitely overwhelming here," He added. Zhan concentrates on looking around, but the smell continues to bother him.

When Yibo sensed that Zhan looked different, he immediately walked towards him. He seems uneasy and worries that something is wrong.

"Are you okay?" Yibo asked worriedly since Zhan's hugging himself. Zhan suddenly looked at Yibo in the eyes and when Yibo saw his eyes, he immediately understands that something is wrong. He gulped. 

"you know what~" Zhan paused and stand in front of Yibo. "I'm still an omega." he added.

Yibo seems confused of what zhan's saying since it's obvious that he's an omega. 

"You shouldn't let me enter your room. An alpha's room"

Then Yibo realized.


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