Chapter 2

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The alarm was loud and shrill when it went off. Jeongyeon had mostly been awake already, though, so she simply opened her eyes and stabbed at her phone's screen to stop the noise. Her arm flopped back onto the bed once it was done.

The room was humid, and sweat made her shirt and underwear cling harshly to her skin. Jeongyeon slid her eyes shut and buried her head underneath the pillow.

"Ah! Ah... Ah. Fuck me harder! Yesss!"
Jeongyeon uncovered her face and glared across the room where she could now hear the distinct sound of a bed banging against the thin wall. Clearly the couple on the other side were having a great time, and quite loudly too.


She sighed. There was absolutely no going back to sleep while strangers had sex in her ears. She threw the blanket aside and padded over to the bathroom to clean herself up for the day.

Five days. Jeongyeon had driven as far away as she could, then taken residence in a small town. There was only one motel available, but it wasn't so bad. She'd been here for three nights. There was no plan, no goal. Jeongyeon simply wanted to be away, to take time for herself and figure her life out.

After showering and dressing in the time it
took the woman next door to reach her second shattering orgasm, Jeongyeon quickly left her room and headed into town.

There was a Starbucks, thank god, so she decided to order a strong coffee and took a seat close to the counter. She leaned her chin against her palm and watched the people around her. It was pretty busy, but that was most likely due to the morning rush as people grabbed a beverage before heading in to work.

That train of thought made Jeongyeon pull her phone out of her pocket and stare at it. She deliberated-should she? She hadn't taken any calls or read any messages since she'd left, so there was no telling what was happening back at home.

Part of her really hoped that Nayeon was kicking up a fuss, screaming at people to find her and bring her back. That would mean that she actually still cared, that there was still room in her heart to worry. But when Jeongyeon unlocked her phone and went through her messages, all she saw was texts and emails from Jihyo, advising her on the goings-on of the shop and wishing her well. There was even a message from her father reminding her to visit for her mum's birthday. She sighed.


Her head snapped up. A young boy behind the
counter was glancing hurriedly around the shop, so she stood and took her coffee from him, muttering a polite thanks. He merely smiled and turned to give out his next order.

Jeongyeon left the shop and started a slow, unhurried walk. She stared at her smartphone for a long time, taking languid sips of coffee, listening to the buzz of cars around her. Eventually she gave in and tapped on Jihyo's contact. On the first ring she picked up.

"Were you staring at your phone waiting for
me to call?" Jeongyeon asked, voice laced with fake amusement.

Jihyo sighed. "Jeongyeon. Where are you? I've been worried sick. It's been days since we last spoke. Are you alright?"

Jeongyeon took a large mouthful of coffee and deliberately made Jihyo wait in suspense while she swallowed. "Hi, dad," she retorted, rolling her eyes. "I'm fine. Seriously, stop worrying so much."

"Someone needs to," Jihyo shot back. "You're
hurting right now."

"I'm not feeling much right now, actually."

"Jeongyeon, you left."

Silence. Jeongyeon counted to ten, waited for the sudden churning of her stomach to stop. She dumped her half-drunk coffee in a dustbin and turned into the town park. "I did. I'm actually calling about the shop. How is it doing? How are sales?"

I Can't Quit You |  2YEONWhere stories live. Discover now