in the past

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After you and Sam realized your world was in danger, you went to the past to save your world and assist your friends. You travel back in time with Sam and he has a light form due to time travel. You are still able to demorph for whatever reason and you want to make a device so Sam can also demorph.
"Hey baby do you want... Nevermind. Your still working..."
"Yea sorry Sam. I'd join you but I want this finished first."
"...I just wanted to walk with my adorable s/o..."
You eventually join him for a walk as you don't get to hang out often due to you both being power rangers. He mentioned how cute you looked in regular clothes.
"You look really adorable in civilian clothes uou know?"
"You really think so? Maybe I should wear my street clothes more often huh?"
"I mean your wearing a nice dress and tights/leather jacket and jeans
Half way through your walk you were attacked by a random monster and had to call for backup which pissed Sam off (lil baby needs a hug ok 😭). When you arrived back at the base Sam got really clingy and kept trying to touch you so you had to remind him you can't do anything until he can demoph again.
"Babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy pleaseeeee."
"Sam... Your very needy and I've already told you we can't until you can demoph..."
"Can u at least sit in my lap so I can play with your hair?"
"Yes that's fine. It helps me relax when you do."
"Huh? Really?"
You don't need to tell him twice. You end up instantly in his lap. The others would walk in where you guys were which was often in the main living area. They would snicker at you guys and tease you but in the end you know they would do the same to their s/o.
"Awww you guys look so cute together~"
"Yea Z. Too bad we can't see Sam's face right now."
"Yea your right Syd."
"Guys shut up. Besides, they never get the option to do this anyways haha~"
"Sky's right. Though I can just read their auras to tell."
You will most likely be an embarrassed mess while Sam would be stuttering as he gets flustered very easily.
"Awwww are you embarrassed y/n~"
Jack would often ask you seeing as your always a blushing mess on Sam's lap, especially when your friends start teasing you.
You eventually finish the device and give it to Sam you explain to him that he can demoph with it if he places it on his morpher. You even tested it to make sure it works.
"Reporting to command center. Commander, guys, I'm giving Sam permission to use the device I made for him. It was a success and he has something to show you. Sam?"
"Power down."
The others stare in shock as they didn't expect for Sam to be able to power down. They then tackled Sam after a few seconds and Cruger and Kat started laughing.
"Huh? Hey- OW!!!"
They eventually let him go as he needs to breath. You stand in front of him glaring at the other rangers.
"How dare you."
They quickly learned even small people (sorry if ur tall) are crazy and can beat the shit outta them. You almost took off their heads after all. Cruger eventually dismissed you all. You and Sam sneak off to your room as he hinted to you he needs a little something.

~small lemon warning~
Sam quickly gets to business and starts taking off your uniform.
"Woah slow down love. I wanna make this last."
"Darling you know I want this."
He every once in awhile whispered sweet nothings in your ear. Once he got you down to your underwear, he would ask permission to give you oral.
"M-may I?"
"Yes Sam go ahead~"
You moan his name loud as he keeps going.
"Ah~ Sam please make me cum! Please!"
"Mm baby your so good~"
"Mmm I'm gonna- huh? Why'd you stop?"
"Not yet. I must penetrate you."
"A-ah~ your still so innocent love."
You grab a condom assuring you don't need any preparation. The rest of the night was fild with moans from both of you. Your friends we're secretly listening to you have your little fun with each other.
"We shouldn't be listening should we?"
"Cadet Landers you do realize this was your idea right?"
"Y-yes sir."
"Then hush."
"Yes sir."
In the morning your friends kept teasing you and Cruger and Kat even said some things here and there.
"How was he last night?"
"Was he any good?"
"Did y'all have fun?"
"Just for you cadets I'll allow what happened last night."
You heard it all for at least a month. It didn't bother you and Sam much as you both figured it was gonna happen.
You and Sam even got the whole team exclusively a pass to date each other which was beneficial to everyone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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