☁️ Trip Too Disney 💚💙, 🧡💜

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Ship: DreamNotFound and KarlNap

CW: Cursing, Hints of jealousy


   I will admit I got lazy at the end but I was writing this the whole day and wanted it to be done. Anyways hope your doing well and just wanted to say to make sure to drink lots of water and eat. Anyways happy Pride!

.:Karl's POV:.

   It was a sunny day when me, Sapnap, Dream and George were all on a bus with the other Dream SMP heading to The Magic Kingdom. I was thinking about what to do first with the three boys next to me when all of a sudden my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a certain boy scream across the bus, Tommy. "Tommy, get your ass back here!" I heard Wilbur say before dragging back Tommy from hitting..Jack? The bus ride wasn't quite what so ever it was full of laughter, yelling and much more. I soon thought I should check on Sapnap who has only said things like "Sorry" or.."Sorry". Sapnap and even Dream and George were actually quite quiet over the course of the bus ride.

   Once we got there we waited for most of the SMP to get off then we would follow. "C'mon guys the mouse is waiting!" yelled Tommy, popping his head through the bus' doors. "So I was thinking we could all head over to the store and get some water since I just realized we don't have any." said George. We all agreed then all headed to the closest shop with Dream and George getting water while me and Sapnap were looking around. "Sap look!" I pointed to a hat pair that was perfect for Dream and George. It was a pair of bucket hats that were green and blue, one having an eye and the other purple spots.

   "You want to get it for them..don't you?" Of course I did! I mean who wouldn't want to pass up a sweet meme~! "What's that?" I turned around soon realizing it was Dream with George following him as he was drinking some water. "Nothing! I just found some cute hate for me and Sap and want to get them. I'll be at the checkout though!" I then grabbed Sapnap's hand and ran to the checkout, dodging the people the best way I could, and leaving both Dream and George alone together. "So we're just gonna give these to them or-" Sapnap asked wondering how we would execute this plan. "No, no, no Sap! We're just gonna take one and slap it on their heads!" Sapnap hummed in response and shrugged his shoulders in agreement.

   "Wait, but who gets what hat?" Sapnap looked at me confused and I looked back at the hats. "Uh..Dream gets the blue hat and George gets the green one!" It was soon our turn to get checked out so we paid then went back to George and Dream. Once we got close to the two however I gave Sapnap the green hat while I took the blue hat. As soon as we were ready we ran towards the two and slapped the hats on their heads! "Karl- what the hell?!" we all started getting looks once Dream said that, but who cares! I looked over at George who didn't have the hat on instead his hat was on the floor all ruffled.

   "Oh come on George! Wear the Dnf hat!" I laughed while trying to put it back on. "No it's stupid!" George said while pushing my hand away. It was then until Dream started to speak "Please Georgie it'll make my day so much better!" "Fine.." I then felt a tug on the hat letting it go and giving a laugh at how easy it could've been. "So now what" I asked wondering if we were going to eat, go too a ride or something else! "Oh! Maybe we could go ride the Peter Pan ride!" chirped George. "I'm down!" said Sapnap, starting to hold my hand.

   We soon started to walk to the attraction and once there, got in line! "Ugh! This is gonna take forever-" George said while laying his face in Dream's chest. "George c'mon you're gonna be fine!" Dream said while patting George's head. "Oh and Karl!" Dream said, getting my attention "We got you some Monster instead of water" Dream handed me the can and I took it giving him a smile and a "Thanks". I opened the can and started drinking it while also leaning up against a pole enjoying myself. It all came to a stop though once we started to move.

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