there's a fire in my brain, and i'm burning up.

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It's been... months? Years?

Emmet couldn't quite tell exactly since his perception of time was messed up badly, the cold running in his body, incapable of comprehending what was happening. He kept repeating himself that, one day, Lucy would come to save him, and that they would make Rex change his ways, because even after what his future self did to him, he wasn't really mad.

Just... sad. Thinking on how the person he admired the most and believed in him just, left him here to die alone, all just because he needed to grow up in the bad way.

But neither the raptor trainer or the master constructor came for him. Not even for ending with his misery, not even to have a bit of pity for him... he was all alone.

His hair grew quite a lot since then. Still similar to Dangervest's hairstyle, every moment he can't sleep, he recalls the damned day it all started to go downhill. When he was the one who saved the city, and then, the day where he destroyed his own happy ending by believing in what the bounty hunter once told him.

His heart aches whenever he remembers two specific things of that exact same day.

First, Lucy's desperate and saddened expression when Emmet didn't believe in her. He would never forget what he said to her, no matter how hard he tried to stay positive, no matter how much he tried to hope that she would came back to his aid.

"Emmet, please..."

Lucy said sadly, trying to hold her lover's hand, trying to make him understand she was truly sorry, she didn't want Emmet to change, her eyes all watery.

And he didn't believe her.

"That's not what the real Lucy would say."

He dared to doubt his closest friend, and lover, because of his insecurities of not being strong and mature enough to protect his friends and people he loved.

He should have listened to Wyldstyle, but then, Rex would be mad at him. It would been catastrophic in either possible ways, because the cowboy could be filled with rage because of the fact that not even his younger self is to trust, and would destroy the wedding with his ship.

Not ideal.

Plus Brickowski just knew that, the whole situation and Rex's revelation would put him into his breaking point, if that could ever happened that one time.

Second, Rex's dissapointed and mad expression when he told him that he was going to go for his friends, and not follow the same path as him. Nothing hurted more to him than being a fraud for people he cared so much about, and seeing how the person who adored him the most, and how Emmet also adored Rex, even if they met for a short time, was so... disgraced by this betrayal.

The tone of his voice was harsh, deep and brooding. Not being able to comprehend if this was his fault or his own punishment for being weak. Was his older self putting him in so much pain just to punish him? That was awful.

"I'm so disappointed in my own self..."

Or maybe it could be because of anything else.

No matter how different the two cases were, they followed Emmet's thoughts every single second no matter what, no matter if he was having a bit of hope, or was crying for hours, or not feeling anything at all because of his emotional burn-out.

They needed more than him.

He was friendly, and thoughtful, and quite awfully pretty.

But they needed more than him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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