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And the silence broke in the midst of the night, when a devastating scream flooded the air. Blood has been flung about the room and the fabrics became red. It was the night to be feared.The Night when the reaper Struck.
The Reaper,he was no ordinary being. He had no soul, he had no life. He does not make friends, instead he takes them away. His race cannot be confirmed. He cannot be human, he cannot be God, He cannot be a devil and He cannot be a Demon. Some call him a figment of imagination. But how many withdrew those words before facing his punishment.
"Another casualty!?" The king said angered by this news, "Will these bloodthirsty savage not stop their puny rebellion?"
"But your Majesty, It does not seem like the work of peasants! The deceased had severe wounds. They do not seem like sword or knife wounds."
"How dare you correct your king! I will have your head on a pike, if we hadn't a problem with men already"
"Im sorry, Your majesty."
"Leave my presence, and send for a messenger"
"Yes, m'lord."

There was nothing to be done. There were too many dying, and because of this, The king had to take action. The young squire had left the room, and soon after, a messenger came to receive the King's message.
"I am here, my liege"
"Good. Relay this message to the elder of the Rose Tribe.... If you do not bow to me by the time the clock strikes midnight, you will pay dearly for your crimes against my kingdom."
With that said the young messenger left, to soon arrive in the small village of the Rose Tribe. The king of Senear, King Allen the Fourteenth, thought that these recent murder sprees are result of an uprising rebellion. But these unfortunate peasants also had their share of problems. Another member of the Rose tribe was slaughtered in the night. The reaper had no mercy.

"Damn those high bastards" Said Jeff, a man from the rose tribe. "They wish to drive us to extinction!"
"Calm down," Said the Elder. " We cannot go against the king and his army. We would never survive!"
"I have come bearing message from the king." The messenger had arrive at the village and met with the elder.
"Very well, Relay your message"
By the time the messenger had finished relaying his message and left, the whole village went in an uproar. They thought "The king sends his assassins to kill us slowly, and then tells us to bow or pay for our crimes?!"
"See what I meant? They are nothing but sons of bitches!" Said Jeff.
"So, the king plans to wage war?" Said Mike, another man of the tribe.
"Calm down!" The Elder said, shivering with fear. "There is only one thing left to do...."
"You fool!" Said the elder. "The imperial army has weapons and armours made from diamonds! We cannot win, much less leave a dent in their army!"
"You have a point........ DAMN!" Said Jeff.
"We have to do this... there is no other option." The elder said.

Soon came evening, and the three men left the village,leaving the women and children behind where they'd be safe. They had travelled long and far but finally arrived at the castle, late in the night.
"Halt" The men were stopped by the Castle Guard. "What business do you disheveled men have here!"
The elder came forward and said " We are here to see the King by his request"
"So you are the commoner scums he requested? Very well, Enter. Stay in the Garden until someone from the main building greets you."
Soon the gates started rising, and the sound of chains rattling was heard. The men entered the garden, and patiently awaited someone.
"Such a beautiful garden.... But.... we arent here on good terms...." They thought.
"I assume you are the ones his majesty requested... are you not? I am the chancellor." A man came from the castle. He was short but had a very long ghastly white beard. He seemed around age 60; an amazing feat for the people of this time. Not many live past age 30.
"greetings chancellor.... We are here to -"
"I know what you are here for, Rose man. But I regret to inform you that the king is unable to meet with you at the moment. You may stay here until he summons you."
"I see... Then, if you please, lead us to our room"
The chancellor led the men to the room they were to wait in. He had bid them farewll.
"Those bastards! They left us in the animal keep!" Jeff said angrily. "Could they not have spared a decent room for the night? Everyday they just get worse in my eyes."
As Jeff continued to complain, Mike noticed the elder acting strangely. The elder was an old man surviving the effects of a sickly disease. But that did not seem the case. "What is it elder? You seem troubled"

The elder suddenly came to his senses and stared at the two men...
"an omen of death lurks about. Cant you feel it?!"
"Now that you mention it...."Jeff said.
"The atmosphere became cold... What is happening?" Mike said.
"It should be about midnight now...."
Soon the chancellor had returned. "The king has summoned you"
The chancellor led them to the meeting hall where they would pledge their loyalty to the king. The men had been waiting for ten minutes. It was only 5 minutes until midnight.
"Terribly sorry," Said the Chancellor. " The king should be here by now"
Suddenly a guard rushed out of the room, trying to catch his breath.
"What is it!?" The chancellor asked.
"The King...."
"Yes, Where is he?!"

Everyone in the room became startled by this news.
"Where is his newborn child? Where is the prince?!"
"Im Sorry Chancellor! The prince is missing!"
"What in the name of the Five Kings of Ares is going on here?!"
The men thought to themselves, could this be the reason for that feeling they had earlier? They backed away a step before the Chancellor looked around at them.
"You three! I'll Have your heads! What did you do to the King?! You must've been assassins! Sent to dispatch the king!"
Startled and confused, the men were frightened.
"We have nothing to do with this! Honest!" Said the elder.
"LIAR!" Screamed the Chancellor. "EXECUTE THEM!"

And at that instant, the clock struck midnight, and the torch lights of the room suddenly blew out. The atmosphere grew cold once again. The omen of Death.
The sound of chain rattling was heard, followed by a devilish laughter.
"What's happening?" The chancellor asked.
The air became deafly silent.
He was coming.
One by one, bodies hit the floor. The chancellor, out of fear, broke down in tears, as old as he was. Something moved about in the shadows. When he looked up off the ground, he came face to face with a mysterious figure. It was too dark to make out what exactly it was right away, but he was sure he saw that i had no skin nor organs, and that it had a blood red glow in its eye sockets, that seemed to stare down into his soul. He then noticed a long Midnight Black cape, a shade of black that rivaled the emptiness that lurked within the void. In his hand, a long staff with a curved blade, an unfamiliar weapon. At the second he took it all in, his body was ripped to shreds before he could scream. All the people in the Castle were killed.

"What is going on!!!" Screamed the elder.
The Elder and his men were next. Soon he felt his soul being pulled from his body and shattered, he got scared. Jeff and Mike were turned inside out when he looked around.... they were nothing but a meat pile. They were dead.
"Die" The figure made out before he ripped the elder's skeleton from his body.

This once beautiful Castle is now abandoned and soaked in the blood of its former Inhabitants.

--Death The Reaper--

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