Chapter 11

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"And Adar was dead on your doorstep," Derry echoed. "You didn't open when he knocked, so he died."

Vania nodded, both hands gripped around a steaming mug.

"Oh, you poor dear. Even in a dream, that must've been terrifying." Licia draped a third blanket over Vania's hunched shoulders.

"What I don't get," Eddin said, pacing the small room, hands clasped behind his back, "Is how you knew his name? You said you only just met him yesterday, and it's not like he introduced himself to you!"

Vania sunk deeper into her hunch, pulling the blankets closer around her, hiding her ragged nightgown. She looked over to Derry; he met her sleepless, dark-rimmed eyes with his own. "Why is he here?"

"You come running to my place, shaking like all the demons in the hells are after you, of course I'm going to be worried. You were attacked by that murderer just yesterday. Then you show up, shoeless and ragged, on my doorstep in the middle of the night. Is it any wonder I suspect that killer came after you?" Derry shrugged. "Besides, it's close to dawn, now, and people are on the streets. You really want to walk home like that?" He gave her a pointed look. "Licia's things won't fit you. You're... sturdier than she is. And taller. And broader. Plus—"

"All right," Vania held up one shaking hand, then quickly placed it back around the warm mug. She mumbled, "I'm just grateful you opened your door..."

"Door's always open for you. You know that."

"Mom? Dad?" A child with deep violet hair walked in, rubbing his eyes. "What—Oh. Good morning, Vania. Whatcha doing here so early for?"

"Good morning, Kuran." Vania forced herself to smile. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Not early," the child protested, fighting a yawn. "Time to go help Dad with the bread."

"Oh, goodness. Derry, I'm sorry. Here you've been sitting up with me all night when you should've been sleeping, getting rest before having to get up at the crack of dawn..."

Derry smiled and patted her blanketed shoulder; "Don't you worry about it, girl. My door's always open, and I'm always here for you. But, Kuran is right, it is time to be about the kitchen. While the bread bakes, he and I will make you some breakfast." He walked over to his wife, who stood leaning in the doorway between their room and the living room. "You'll send Cianna down once she's up, won't you, dear?"

"Of course," she smiled.

"She wanted to fill the tarts today."

"She'll get down there in time." Licia gently pulled Derry close and kissed him. "Don't forget to make the loaves for Torren today."

"I won't. You rest, dear." He gently patted her enormous belly. "They're counting on you to stay healthy."

She smiled again and nodded, swallowing a yawn. She turned and disappeared through the doorway.

Derry smiled and nodded at both enforcers as he walked to the stairs; "You're welcome to stay as long as you like. I'll be just downstairs."

"Thank you, Derry." Vania reached out, long fingers wrapping around the teakettle's handle. She refilled her mug, then looked at the pacing Eddin. "You need a refill?"

"Yes, please," he retrieved his mug from the corner of the table and held it out. Once it was full of steaming liquid, he sat down on the divan beside Vania, easily sinking into the well-worn dent in the cushions vacated by the baker.

She pulled the blankets closer around her once more, settling into her hunch, leaning into the steam of her mug. She shut her eyes as she sighed, avoiding meeting his eyes.

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