Chapter 17 - Behind the Mask

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A/N: I've chosen the song Private Parts by Halestorm ft. James Michael (get your minds out the gutter xD) as inspiration for this chapter. Some parts fit, others don't but if you're a Coron/Aarliss fan then listening to the song will really help you get the emotional feel of the first half of the chapter (Youtube link in the media). The idea of the song matches the idea of this chapter. Another song that'll help is What Have You Done by Within Temptation ft. Keith Caputo. Enjoy!

Corliss leaned against the only tree in her backyard, her gaze shifting from Josh who was lying flat on the grass to Alena who had collapsed into the pool, clothing and all, to Bavita who had, with more dignity, dipped only her legs in the water. It was a scorcher of a day outside and Aaron had practically run them through with a training session straight from the deepest pit of fitness hell, only letting up when both Bavita and Josh had threatened to pass out. Liss wasn't even going to bother with telling him how close she was to death, she was simply going to wilt under the strenuous labour and hope Alena would find a way to resurrect her. Not that the elf had faired much better in her floor length skirts and long sleeved shirts. She'd eventually summoned herself a sort of onesie but it was clear to anyone with eyes she was as unfit as Liss was. The only person who looked half unaffected was Nom. Her best friend was sitting cross-legged next to her on the grass apparently flourishing in the sunlight like some exotic, hardy African flower. The athletic girl's skin was barely even sweaty and the only evidence that she had worked out in the first place was her slight breathlessness.

"Do you ever get tired?" Liss was forced to ask, willing her stiff legs to lower her onto the grass so she could rest properly but they refused despite their protestations at the abuse she had forced them to suffer through.

"Yeah I do but this wasn't so bad," Nom shrugged, turning her head ever so slightly so she could look at Liss.

"Wasn't so-?" Liss would have sputtered if she was not so exhausted, "Bavita and Josh nearly passed out! I nearly turned into a puddle of human goop."

"Hey," Nom gave her a lazy smile, "it isn't my fault you're a wuss and that you create wuss characters. Only Aaron's kind of badass when it comes to exercise. Which is weird for you." Liss fixed her with the most hateful look she could muster before looking out at the yard again, her mind floating between the training and how it had yet again made her too tired to suffer through nightmares so vicious she was afraid to sleep. As they always did, her thoughts turned to Aaron and the same niggling feeling she'd been experiencing in the week since Alena had joined them worked its way into her gut. Feeling the need for clarity, Liss finally voiced her concern to Nom, hoping the emotionally sensitive girl would recognise whatever it was that was bugging her.

"It's the weirdest feeling," Liss bit onto her nail, "like something is wrong."

"Wrong? There is nothing wrong with Aaron physically," Nom scoffed but quickly became serious again when her best friend cast her a dangerous look, "I dunno about mentally though. He's your character, Liss. You should know."

"I think I know what it's about," Liss took a deep breath then let it out slowly, "but how to approach him about it is another story. Any ideas?"

Nom quirked a brow at her then shrugged again, turning her face back to catch more of the sun, "He doesn't look like one of those people you can pressure into opening up. You've got to take your time, wear down his defences. Well, that's what I would do." The writer let her gaze rake over the backyard for any signs of the illusive assassin but as she'd predicted he was nowhere to be found and she was forced to ask Bavita. Dipping her hand into the pool water, she glanced at the seeress and was about to voice her question when the other girl shook her head.

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