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The young recruits in training take their time saying their goodbyes, so they ignore the lights out call and stay up in their dorm, making sure to keep the noise at a minimum in order to avoid getting caught. As the rise of titan sightings grew and grew, the regiments ordered for there to be an early graduation for the trainees that were the most qualified, and ready to get out on the field to protect what was left of humanity.
About 50 trainees were recruited to be shipped off to the scout regiment in the morning. Of course all these early graduates were able to pick their regiment, just as anyone else, just 2 years earlier than the rest.
The youthful group of teenagers had become close in friendship, even though it was a huge honor to be asked to graduate early and start slaying titans, the crowd fell disappointed that they were not going to graduate together.
The young trainees and, now fresh graduates, spent their night chatting for the last time.
"I'm going to miss you," a teenage girl said, "but it's no surprise you were at the top of the list to graduate first, Jade."
And she was right. Jade Taylor. A badass nightmare that looked like a daydream. She was the most skilled among her class, she impressed the commanders on a daily basis. Her raw talent gave her the advantage of a true born captain. She could out train and out spare anyone.
There was only one who came close to comparison to her skill. Levi Ackerman. A young boy that was brought into the training corps by Ewrin himself, rumor has it Ewrin dragged him out of the underground and forced him to join the training corps because he refused to see his talent go wasted on pickpocketing and gang fights.
Naturally, when alpha meets alpha, the two star students became instant rivals, always trying to one up the other. Levi and Jade were always neck and neck with each other on every training assignment, they each had the undying passion of trying to be better than the other.
When Levi's name wasn't on the list for early graduates, it wasn't much of a shock to anyone. Yes, levi had the skill, but he didn't have the discipline. Levi often got himself into trouble for refusing orders and recklessly doing whatever he wanted, which wasn't going to cut it for the trainees that needed to be the very best in order to qualify for early release into the real world.
"I'll miss you too, but these two years will fly by, trust me." Jade assured her friend.
Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes, "tchh, big of you to assume you'll still be alive in two years."
The group nearest the two of them gasped at Levi's comment.
"Hey! Come on, that's in poor taste, man" a boy called out to Levi in Jade's and the early graduates defense.
"The only poor taste here is the people who thought it was a smart decision to let you, ignorant children, graduate early." Levi huffed
Jade smiled, "don't mind him, he's just upset that he didn't make the cut."
A fellow graduate swung her arm around jade's shoulder, "yeah! Girl power!"
"I should have been on that list, the rest of you can barely tie your own shoes." Levi shot back.
"Well, at least we "children" can follow orders." Jade smirked
A fellow male laughed, "I'm not upset I didn't graduate early...I'm upset I have to put up with Ackerman for another two years."
Laughter fell amongst the group, pissed off, Levi stormed out the dorm.
In the darkness of the night, Levi walked across the camp site, kicking at every rock and twig in his path. He made it just passed the bathroom stalls, in a clutter of trees and thick bushes. a blind spot that very few recruits new about.
Anger overwhelmed his mind as Levi punched the trunk of a tree.
"I've heard of tree huggers, but tree fighters... that's just sad." A familiar voice mocked him.
Levi didn't bother to look, he new jade's voice anywhere.
"Shouldn't you be entertaining your fan club?" Levi shot back.
"Look," Jade said in a friendlier tone, "we were only teasing you. Everyone knows you're the best of the best. But the commanders are harder on you because you're a known flight hazard."
"Fuck them! I work better alone, and they're idiots for not seeing that." Levi stated angrily.
"...so, I'm an idiot too?" Jade shrugged.
Levi raised his eyebrow at her in confusion, "huh?"
"Well, you were always good, but our competitive natures made us both great," Jade smiled, "you always gave me a run for my money, I was secretly dying trying to keep up with you."
"Tch, as if," Levi blew her off, ". . . You're just saying crap because you're leaving tomorrow."
"You gotta admit, our rival was kinda fun, we certainly kept things interesting." Jade beamed.
Levi hung his head, "yeah...I bet we could've ended the titan reign."
"We will! In two years, everyone of us will be in the regiment together and-"
"I meant you and me!" Levi cut her off, "not the rest of these morons!"
A light blush came upon jades cheeks, "don't worry, firecracker, I'll save some titans for you."
"But who's gonna watch your back out there?! Ricky butter fingers? Marsha cries a lot? Accident Amy?"
Jade giggled, "aww it kinda sounds like you care about me~"
Levi blushed and turned away, "I just think you're the only one whose actually qualified to join the scouts early."
"And you. promise me you'll straighten up in these next two years, so you and I can compete together again." Jade said.
"Only if you promise me you won't die." Levi replied
"Well, I'll try my best," Jade took a few steps towards Levi, "but just in case..."
Jade held Levi's face in her hands and planted a quick kiss on his lips.
Stunned, Levi was frozen in place, his face beet red.
Jade pulled away and stepped back, with a smile on her face, "to recap, you get your shit together in here, I'll do my part to save the world out there, and we'll regroup in 2 years, right?"
"R-right." Was all Levi could manage to say
Little did they know that they would not be seeing each other in two years or anytime soon.
After two years, Levi and the rest of the remaining recruits graduated at the normal 3 year training time. But after joining the rest of the scouts, Levi did not find Jade. Everyone he asked had no idea what happened to her, or if she was even alive.
Disappointed was a word that couldn't even begin to describe how Levi felt. The only thing keeping him going for the past two years was the hopes of reuniting with the girl that he had admired in secret for so long. After all the yelling and the arguments and the fights and the competitions, he realized all of that was a waste, because he never saw her as an enemy but as a friend.
And after that sudden, small kiss, they shared in the hidden part of the campsite, Levi realized that he didn't want to fight because he had something to prove, but to be with Jade.
As time went on ever do slowly, Levi grew stronger. Every time the regiment moved locations or joined a new district, Levi hoped maybe he'd find Jade. Either in a different district or, worse case scenario, a different death record. Anything just to have an answer of what happened to her.
Ten years went by. The now, Captain Levi, started to believe he might never see her again.

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