Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    But since Su Chenxing had already said not to eat it, he really did not eat it. He thanked the young couple and pulled Fu Yuting out of the queue.

    Fu Yuting hurriedly raised his heels.

    Su Chenxing walked from one end of the food street to the other, and found a barbecue restaurant in the innermost part of the street.

    There is only one table of customers in the store outside the glass.

    Probably because the price of the food listed on the sign is too outrageous, and it is in the innermost alley. People who come to the food street generally do not choose such high consumption, so no one comes to eat.

    However, the smell of barbecue inside kept coming.

    Su Chenxing turned to look at Fu Yuting: "We eat here."

    Of course Fu Yuting nodded in agreement.

    The two entered the store one after the other, Su Chenxing walked to the innermost corner and let Fu Yuting sit in a position that would not be seen by pedestrians at the door.

    The store owner is a middle-aged couple with extraordinary temperament. When ordering, they showed their faces in front of the customers together.

    After a while, the barbecue ordered by Su Chenxing was placed on the table.

    The taste is really good, especially the mutton skewers. The entrance is so tender that it blends perfectly with the seasoning.

    Food should be paired with wine.

    Su Chenxing smiled: "I want to drink."

    Fu Yuting stopped eating the skewers, and his dark blue eyes revealed his disapproval for the first time: "You are too young to drink."

    Su Chenxing let out a sound from his nose "Humph," turned his face away and refused to look at Fu Yuting again.

    Under the warm yellow ambient light, the boy's bulging profile showed his anger at a glance.

    The helpless look in Fu Yuting's eyes was even more obvious.

    The proprietress who had been watching Fu Yuting came over and took the initiative to sell it: "We also have a fruit wine that is not high in strength but tastes good. It is very suitable for young people to drink. Would you like a pot for the two guests?"

    "This fruit wine also has a history. In ancient times, a little general had a lot of military exploits, but he couldn't drink spirits. The emperor at that time specially ordered the royal chef to develop it and named it little general wine."

    Hearing this, Su Chenxing's eyes flashed. A little surprised.

    Little General, the fruit wine developed by the emperor ordered the royal chef, the name is Little General Wine... How does it sound a bit like one of the worlds he traveled to?

    Like it or not, just take a sip and taste it.

    Su Chenxing didn't speak, just looked at Fu Yuting with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

    Fu Yuting frowned slightly and let out a sigh, "Let's have a pot." The

    proprietress turned around to prepare, and when she came back, she was holding a tray, a small brown wine pot, and two small wine glasses.

    Fu Yuting held the small jug in his hand and poured a glass for Su Chenxing.

    Su Chenxing took a sip.

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