20. Oreo

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Song. Gubbare

The next morning Avani and Kabir drove back to hospital to get oreo discharged

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The next morning Avani and Kabir drove back to hospital to get oreo discharged.

"Why did you want a pet ?" Avani asked him .

Kabir smiled , he didn't know what made him want a pet. It was a sudden decision and it was made on impulse.

" I don't know, I just felt like it. " Kabir replied, shrugging.

15 minutes later they pulled in front of the clinic .

“So here is your Oreo completely fine and here are his papers” Avani said, handing  oreo to kabir. Kabir slowly took Oreo in his arms wondering how this small little thing was a small joy of happiness for Avani how he licked her the moment she lifted him up and laughed as he woofed at her.  Kabir wondered if he would feel the same as he had  oreo ,would he feel the same happiness.

“Hey there little buddy” Kabir softly said as he cooed at the little pup who in return stared at Kabir with no expressions.
Kabir’s small smile which was barely visible fell as he saw that the pup wasn't giving him any expression . he wondered if the pup liked him. But after a slow blink the Oreo barked with enthusiasm and licked Kabirs cheek as if trying to make sure he had proved to him how much the pup admired him .

“Awee he likes you” Avai commented as she saw how the dog kept on licking Kabir and barking at him to make sure his master knew he was tied to him. His tail wiggling and he was barking happily snuggling into his arms.

“He does ?” kabir asked with wonder Avani frowned at the way Kabir asked her ,

Why does he sound like it's hard to believe that he could be loved

She wondered .

A slow smile lit up on Kabir's face at the love of the adorable pup which soon became a wide grin.

“Looks like oreo is happy with his new master and new home” the doctor commented.

Avani chuckled as Kabir petted oreo who snuggled more into him with happiness , both unaware of the world around them.

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