chp 1 first day

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Rhea had just moved to a new town and was starting high school

it was 8 am when her Mom woke her up and said ,"Rhea! you're gonna be late for your first day of school.

Rhea rushed to the closet to pick out some clothes,then she rushed to the shower to take a bath.

Finally! she got ready for school ,she went downstairs to eat breakfast ,and while she was heading down her little  brother called her pretty,Rhea said thank you to him. Rhea ate her breakfast and then headed to her school .

Once she reached she realized that she was 15 minutes late  . then she rushed to her class .she was panting and she was sweaty all over  her face and neck .

When she entered class it was difficult to find a seat because the class was packed with people

the teacher entered class and rhea was standing in class with her heavy bag the teacher asked her why aren't you seated yet?

rhea said that she couldent find a seat then the teacher asked the school staff to bring her an extra chair and desk ,the staff placed the chair at the back of the class ,rhea got seated and the class begun .

while she was writing her notes she realized that many people were looking at her , she asked the girl ahead of her named Lia  the reason everyone was staring at her .she replied,"the reason everyone is staring at you is because you are sitting near the mafia's son ,make sure you dont irratate him ,i heard  her killed four kids from this school. rhea said," ohh ,btw would you mind sitting with me at lunch and give me a school tour ,pleasee ,its cause i have no friends at school, lia said , sure why not .

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