Part Four

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Ella let out a surprised sniffle and scrambled to her feet, hurrying to dry her eyes and smooth out the rumples in her dress before reaching for the handle. She wasn't usually the one to open the door, but it was strangely empty in the house, and she heard no one coming this way. She had been so busy earlier that she hadn't realized how silent it was until now.

She stood on her tiptoes to peer through the peephole in the door but could see no one.

Warily, she unclasped the latch on the door, then pulled it open as fast as she could. Indeed, no one waited on the doorstep-but a parcel did. She grabbed the package and pushed the door shut quickly behind her, then latched it before studying the lumpy package. To her shock, she found the words "For Ella" written across the brown paper.

That couldn't be right. She sat down again with her back against the door, staring at the parcel in her hands. She had no other relatives that she knew of, and no friends outside of the poor servants employed at her stepmother's manor. Who would have given her something?

She turned it over in her hands, but there was nothing else written on the wrapping, no clues as to whom it might be from. Ella eyed it suspiciously. She was about to set it aside until she wasn't alone to open it, but by then it might be too late-if her stepfamily saw it, they would surely confiscate it. Besides, her curiosity would not allow her to leave it be.

Hoping it wasn't some sort of mean prank, Ella pulled it back into her lap and tore into the wrapping.

Instantly she gasped, dropping the dress she found beneath the paper in her surprise. It glowed silver in the candlelight. A pair of diamond earrings was pinned to a note that read, "For the ball."

Trembling, Ella set the note aside gently and took hold of the dress to shake it out. As she did so, something tumbled out of the folded fabric, and Ella draped the gown across her arm as she bent down to get a look of it.

In fact, it wasn't just one thing, but two-a pair of shoes that were...translucent? Ella rubbed her eyes, sure that she was dreaming. But no-there, sitting on the carpet, was a sparkling pair of glass slippers.

She couldn't believe this was happening. But if it was a dream, she didn't want to wake up. A laugh escaped her lips. Then a whole torrent of them.

She was going to the ball.

The next several minutes sped past in a blur. Ella cleaned herself as best she could, scrubbing away the ash and soot before stepping into her nicer petticoats and then the beautiful silver gown. It was a simple cut, but its shine and delicate ornamentation took her breath away. After she had secured its buttons and laces, she brushed her hair until it shined before adding a cherry-blossom pink ribbon she was sure Ciela wouldn't miss. Then, fastening the glittering earrings to her ears and slipping into the glass shoes, she strode back into the parlor and posed once more in front of the looking glass.The glittering girl smiling back at her sent skitters of excitement down her spine.

Surely, this was the work of a fairy godmother! Ella giggled despite herself and let a few happy tears well up in her eyes. Her father used to tell her stories about them, although for years she hadn't believed in them. After all, if she'd had one, wouldn't she have helped her escape her evil stepfamily? But maybe it had all been for this moment. Maybe tonight would make it all worth it. Who knew what wonders the ball had in store for her? She didn't really know-she'd never gotten to go to one.

Ella searched within herself for the fear she expected to feel at trying something so risky and new. There were no guarantees in this, and she would have to avoid her stepfamily all night (though they had never outright said she couldn't go, had they?). But there was no fear. Only excitement.

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