18. Jolted

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Chris -

that man is such a pig at times I just can't believe him he's like a dick with ears although he does kind of look like a donkey but not donkey from Shrek he's a cool dude I like donkey from Shrek sometimes I wish I had the confidence to be as busy as he was but I am I don't really think that's the life for me I really want to be with Liz and I want to be with her and keep her safe and keep her happy but unfortunately people are idiots and peoples unkindness have come to me like nobody's business you just never know a person until you get close to him and unfortunately.

I got pulled it under JYP spell it was really hard when I watch GOT7 debut and I had to sit back and watch them become successful in training meet all these different guys that would come and go and

I had to be stuck in the dorms for like almost a decade and it was just really tough and then you know I finally meet someone that I really like his name is Felix he was just a few years younger than me and I think JYP

he knew that I was crying to him because we're both in Australia and he knew that I was being a turn on towards Felix because he was so young and then

I could probably guide him in the right direction in life and being a star and I don't think JYP liked
that so when he found out that he was going to eliminate Felix for his own selfish good he got mad because he knew I would never leave feel up behind so he had no choice but to put him back in the lineup .

I don't even know why he supposedly eliminated him if he was going to bring him back I tried to crush him on that he always turns me off it just pisses me off how he is I was on the way to Felix and then we got to talking and then I started to realize just how serious things were. Felix-I can't believe it I just can't believe it like we've all gone for our own personal hell just to get here and it pisses me off like I want to live in a house with Maddie and I want to have children with her and Han
wants the same thing for Kairen and it just really pisses me off because we can't do that without
breathing down my neck and it really pisses me off like I just want to have children with her so bad and I know I'm not going to get that and it really scares me that I might not be able to have a child with my significant other because our boss is a jackass.


what if we had a place we could sleep with the girls secretly I mean.

I know we slept with them a few times but he hasn't caught on but I have a feeling he might start putting cameras in our dorms over away
so I'll have to be sneaky about sleeping with them from now on are you in " yes I'm in "

Han-i'm in 100% to because I want to sleep and not worry I just wanna be able to marry my significant other have children and then we can all be free from his abusive nature because we can't live under his smell forever otherwise we might as well just stop

flipping it there's only one way to do it we take precautions and we do it in secret. 

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