Helping around the house (Vanilla)

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(In this chapter you're around the same age as sonic and the others so Vanilla is older than you)

You were running down the street as fast as you could as you promised to meet your friend Vanilla the rabbit at her home at a certain time but you had to help Sonic and the others deal with Eggman and luckily it didn't take long but now you were running late.

You quickly reached her home panting a bit as you knocked on the door as the door soon opened as you saw Cream the rabbit Vanilla's daughter "Hi cream it's nice to see you again" you said.

"Oh hello Mr Y/N it's nice to see you again too and my mom said you were coming over and please come in and my moms in the kitchen" Cream said.

You smiled and walked in as Cream closed the door behind you as you smiled and pat her on the head causing her to smile.

You walked to the kitchen and while passing by the living room you saw Cream's chao Cheese and Chocola playing with Creams toys as Cream quickly joined them and you smiled seeing all three of them play as you walked to the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen and saw your friend Vanilla the rabbit as she noticed you and smiled "oh good you're here Y/N I was worried you weren't going to show up" she said.

"I'm sorry I'm late Vanilla there was an emergency involving Eggman and I had to help deal with it" you said as you looked down.

"It's fine I'm just glad you're here and that you're safe" she said as she got up.

You looked at the older woman standing in front of you and smiled as you couldn't help but admire her natural beauty as your eyes moved down looking at her outfit as she wore her regular outfit which didn't show off her body much but you could see the outline of her natural busty chest.

"Why don't you have a seat and I'll make us some tea or if you'd prefer I could make coffee and I also have water and juice if you'd prefer those instead" she said as she walked over to the counter.

"Tea sounds good" you said as you sat down and looked at her as you watched her make the tea and you stared at her tail a bit before looking down at her shapely rear but it was hard to tell how big it was due to how long her skirt was.

After a few minutes Vanilla finished making the tea as she poured the tea into two cups and then walked towards you giving you one of the cups as she sat down "I hope you like it" she said smiling.

You smiled at her and drank your tea "thanks for the tea and it's very good" you said.

She smiled even more "no problem and I just remembered something" she said as she walked over to the counter and soon came back holding a plate of cookies and put them on the table "I made these earlier today and help yourself and take as many as you want" she said looking at you.

You smiled and took a cookie from the took a bite out of it "this is delicious" you said as you ate the rest of the cookie and grabbed another one.

She smiled and grabbed a cookie "I'm glad you like them" she said as she ate her cookie and then noticed Cream , Cheese , and Chocola peeking into the room looking at the plate of cookies.

Vanilla smiled and picked up the plate of cookies and held it towards them "don't worry Cream you and the chao also can have some cookies" she said.

Cream , Cheese , and Chocola quickly walked towards her and grabbed some cookies "thanks mom" Cream said as she then kissed her mom on the cheek while the chao gave her a quick hug before going back to the living room.

You smiled as you watched the three of them leave the room as you looked back at Vanilla and ate another cookie.

"So Vanilla is there anything that you need help with around the house" you asked her.

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