Guide Me

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Relationship: dating on the low
Age: 3-5 ish years younger than addie
Plot gist: she's your intending and gives you your first solo. You freeze in the middle and she has to talk you through your panic. This is the first time she's shown her love for you in front of anybody.

"dr. y/l/n will be performing the surgery" she smiled at the patient's family as she casually handed you their chart

you froze. she looked at your face her smile growing slightly

you were in shock and it showed. she quickly led you out of the room so your expression wouldn't spark any concerns with the family

"what?" was all you said when she pulled you into an on-call room

"you heard me" she smiled at you

"I've never-"

"But you know how?" she raised an eyebrow at you

"of course I know-how. I've been watching you for months-" you began to ramble. a quality you have when you get nervous

"great. schedule it for this afternoon" you didn't understand why she was acting completely normal.

it wasn't like she was trusting you to get her coffee order right. there was someone's life in your hands

this was an amazing opportunity. and all you could think to do at the moment was to wrap your arms around her waist and bury your face in her chest

she let out a small chuckle and wrapped her arms around your back planting a kiss on your head

"come on let's not stand around, you've got a life to save" she patted your back after a minute forcing you to pull away.

"ok Dr. you think you're ready for this" Addison made her presence known after scrubbing in and joining you in the OR

you were already standing over the patent running over the steps of the pressure in your head even though you knew it by heart. although this may be your first time actually performing the surgy you'd seen Addie do it so many times you could probably do it in your sleep.

she noticed the look on your face and strategically brushed past you so her hand ran across your lower back.

"breathe" she whispered as she made her way to the other side of the operating table.

you did as instructed taking a deep breath before you asked for your 10 blade.

you had cracked the patents chest and had a full view of what you were working with

you froze. your hands started to shake

one of Addie's bloody hands reached for yours where she squeezed gently

your eyes found her pale blue ones at the contact

just the slight of her eyes alone brought you comfort

"you're stressing honey, why are you stressed?" she asked gently

"I think in kinda blanking Addie," you said honestly

"I know it I know it all I promise but.. I just-" you began to ramble again afraid she would take the surgy away from you just as easily as she gave it to you

"shh it's okay... walk me through it" she let go of your hand

"I need to cut off part of the artery" you looked back up at her for her to nod at you. silently telling you that you were doing a good job

"then I need to take the vessel from the leg and attach it to the heart" you stated sounding a little bit more confident as you proceed

as you went on you found your groove finally. Addison knew you would get there eventually although she wasn't aware that it would take you nearly the entire bypass to feel confident on your own.

she came around the table taking off her mask and looking at you

you looked away from the patent to smile at her

"what are you doing weirdo" you chuckled slightly

she was just smiling at you. her y/n was back.

she took off her gloves before pulling your surgical mask down

"Addie-" you began

"shut up and kiss me" she stopped you by placing a kiss on your lips

you looked shocked and you would practically hear the rest of your collages in the gallery gasping.

"I'm proud of you honey" was all she said before putting your mask back on, planting a tender kiss on your cheek, before she left leaving you to close up.

well, that's one way to announce your relationship.

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