Ch 10 Having Fun

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Jaden awoke up from a long night sleep. He got ready to start the day and he went to the kitchen to find that Alexis was already up and trying to make breakfast. Jaden helped her and they were both having a great time. Bastion was the next to come and they made a plate for him. Next was Chazz and he was happy to see that Jaden and Alexis had made a lot of bacon. Syrus was the last to get up and all of them were eating and enjoying the day so far.

Syrus said, "so Jaden what are we going to do today?" Jaden said, "I was going to talk with Pegasus and see if there is a way to get more information about Sayer and his organization." Chazz said, "I could swallow my pride and call my brothers and see if they have any information." Everyone looked at Chazz with shock on their face. Jaden said "as much as I would like to see that I think we have a better idea. We will get the blueprint of the building and we will draw out Sayer and rescue Akiza while Sayer is busy."

So, the gang went out and Jaden walked to the park and saw people dueling. Then a boy that was two years younger asked Jaden if he would like to duel. Jaden said, "sure but be warned I am going to take this serious." The boy said, "good because I'm going to Duel Academy next year." Jaden said "cool, my friends and I are also at Duel Academy." The boy said cool. I'm going to beat you and prove that I belong at Duel Academy." Jaden said, "what is your name?" The boy said, "Mike and I am going to take you down."

Mike and Jaden said "duel." Mike said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. I summon Adamancipator Analyzer tuner monster in attack mode. (1500atk) Now I activate his effect to excavate the top five cards of my deck and if one is a level four or lower non tuner then I summon it. I reveal the top five cards. I summon Adamancipator Crystal-Leonite to the field in attack mode. (0atk) I now use Leonite's effect to place when he is special summoned by an Adamancipator card I place an Adamancipator card on the top of my deck."

Jaden was intrigued by these new cards that he had never seen before. Mike said "now I tune my level four monster and Synchro summon level 8 Adamancipator Risen Dragite to the field in attack mode. (3000atk) Now that I have a rock in the graveyard, I can summon Adamacipator Carrier to the field in defense mode. (1000def) Now I use his effect to excavate the top five cards and if it is a non-tuner rock, I can summon it. I summon Adamancipator Crystal-Oxenite in defense mode." (2200def) Now I will Synchro summon a level 5 Adamancipator Risen Oxenite in defense mode." (2400def)

The people watching the duel were interested in this duel more than the other that they have had in the past. Mike said, "I will set two cards and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon to the field Neo-Spacian Grand Mole to the field in attack mode." (900atk) Mike said, "I activate Risen Oxenite which allows me to change the battle position of one of your monsters." (300def) Jaden said, "I play Fake Hero to summon out Elemental Hero Neos to the field in attack mode." (2500atk) Mike said "you are Jaden Yuki. This is so cool I can't wait to tell my friends that I dueled Jaden Yuki."

Jaden said. "Now I send Neos and Grand Mole back to my deck to fusion summon Elemental Hero Grand Neos to the field in attack mode. (2500atk) Now I use his effect to send your Risen Dragite back to the extra deck. Now I play the field spell Neo Space and Neos gains five hundred attack. (3000atk) Now I attack your monster." Mike said "I active my trap Dust Tornado to destroy your field spell." (2500atk) Jaden said "I now equip Instant Neo Space to Neos and now he doesn't go back to other extra deck at the end of the turn. I end my turn."

Mike said "my turn, I draw. I normal summon Adamancipator Analyzer to the field in attack mode. (1500atk) I now use his effect to excavate the top five cards of my deck and summon a level four or lower non-tuner. I summon Adamancipator Crystal Squidite in defense mode. (2200def) Now Squidite effect when summoned by an Adamancipator effect you discard one card from your hand Jaden." Jaden said "well I only have one card in hand, and it is Elemental Hero Shadow Mist. When she is sent to the grave I get to add one Hero from my deck to hand. So I add Elemental Hero Stratos to my hand."

Mike said "I now Synchro summon level eight Adamancipator Risen Squidite to the field in attack mode. (2800atk) Now I use his effect by excavate the top five cards of my deck and your monster loses 400 attack for each rock revealed. I see three so your monster loses 1200 attack. (1300atk) Now my monster attacks Neos." (Jaden's LP 2500)

Jaden said "because my monster left the field with Instant Neo Space was equipped, I can summon Elemental Hero Neos to the field in attack mode. (2500atk) Mike said I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Stratos to the field in attack mode. (1800atk) I now use his effect to search out a hero monster." Mike said, "I use my monster's effect to negate Stratos' effect." Jaden said "I play Card of Sanctity which allows us to draw till we have six cards in hand. Now I play Polymerization to fuse Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix to fusion summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman to the field in attack mode." (2100atk)

Mike said, "cool I am seeing two of Jaden's signature monsters and I'm going to take them down." Jaden said, "I wouldn't be so sure of that." Mike said, "and why is that?" "I play Polymerization to fuse Elemental Hero Flame Wingman and Neos to fusion summon Elemental Hero shining Neos Wingman to the field in attack mode. (3100atk) Now his effect when he is fusion summoned, I get to destroy as many cards as possible on your field up to the number of attributes on the field so I will destroy your face down and your monster."

Mike said, "no now I'm wide open." Jaden said "Neos also gain 300 attack for each monster in my graveyard. (4600atk) Now Neos attack." (Mike's LP 0) Mike was down but Jaden walked up to him and said "your deck is really cool. I have a friend that has a similar deck but you went all out and that is what I like in a duelist." Mike wiped away the tears and said "thanks Jaden. I thought my deck wasn't as good at I thought it was but now I can hold my head up high."

Jaden said "believe in yourself and you might be surprised that you win more if you believe in your deck. I took me a while for me to believe in my deck but once I did, I never looked back." Then a couple of kids asked for Jaden's autograph, and he did then Jaden got a call and was told to go to Pegasus' headquarters, and he took his friends with him, but Jaden was feeling like someone was watching him, but this person felt less like a psychic duelist and more of an evil presence. But Jaden couldn't think he needed to get to Pegasus first.

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