Chapter 22: Finals

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I remained on the all fours for a minute or two until I realized the feeling had going away, and I felt I had control of my body once more.

"Harry!" I stammered, pushing myself to my feet and hurrying over to him."Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Yes — what was that?" Harry asked me as I helped him to his feet.

"Something monstrous." Another voice said making both of us jump. "And you might want this." I looked up to see Edgar holding my wand out to me.

"Thank you." I told him taking my wand from him.

Edgar looked around, his wand still held out in front of him. "We shouldn't remain here too long. Can the two of you walk?"

We both nodded. "Good, well follow me then." And with that Edgar strode off. Harry and I looked at each other before following him.

"Have either of you learned about unicorn blood yet?" Edgar asked suddenly, as we passed a low hanging branch.

"Err I don't think so." I said thinking. "Only the tail and horn in potions."

"Makes sense." Edgar said, before slowing his stride, and stowing his wand in his coat. "Well unicorn blood can keep people alive, even if they are close to death, but it comes at a price.

"You see it's a terrible thing to slay a unicorn, an innocent pure creature only to save yourself. From the moment the blood touches your lips you will live a cursed life." Edgar explained.

"But who'd be so desperate, I mean isn't death better than being cursed?" Harry asked.

"Oh I agree, but say... perhaps you were close to finding something that could restore your strength, something that could make sure you would never die, would it not then be a reasonable choice?"

"I wouldn't say reasonable but...." I trailed off. In all honesty I would probably do that.

"You mean the..." Harry started before he stopped himself.

"The Philosopher's stone." Edgar finished.

"But who would be that desperate?" I asked him confused. Last I checked Snape wasn't exactly close to death.

"Can you not think of anyone?" Edgar asked them.

"You don't mean?" Harry said. "But he's dead?"

"Stranger things have happened." Edgar said, and I could've sworn he looked me in the eyes as he said this.

"You mean that was Vol-" Harry started before he was cut off.

"Harry! (Y/n)! Are you all right?" Hermione was running toward us down the path, Hagrid puffing along behind her.

"I'm fine," said Harry, hardly knowing what he was saying.

"Although the unicorn's not." I said bluntly.

"Edgar?" Hagrid asked sounding confused. "What are you doing out here?"

"Just going for a night walk, and lucky I was." Edgar said with a chuckle. "Well then this is where I'll leave you, good luck you two." He said to us, before pulling his coat around him and heading off into the trees.


Ron had fallen asleep in the dark common room, waiting for us to return. He shouted something about Quidditch fouls when Harry shook him. I just rolled my eyes, before tipping the sofa he was asleep on upward, so that he tumbled onto the floor.

In a matter of seconds, though, he was wide-eyed as Harry and I  began to tell him and Hermione what had happened in the forest.
Harry couldn't sit down. He paced up and down in front of the fire. He was still shaking.

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