22: jj

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I wrap my arms around Mirabelle's tall frame. She stands only a couple inches shorter than me, but I'd definitely forgotten how tall she was.

"JJ, you won't believe how relieved I am to be with you again. Everyone else is crazy." She whispers in my ear and I smile widely.

"What about Henry?" I ask and she pulls away grinning wickedly.

"He's the craziest of all. Must be insane for wanting to be stuck with me for life." Mirabelle says, holding up the sparkling diamond on her finger.

Dad shakes his head, "Lord help him because he's certainly going to need it. I can't wait for him to take you off my hands." He teases and Mom hits his arm.

"Shut up, Bash. You were just whining last night that you're going to miss her when she's gone." She rolls her eyes, winking at me.

It's a little painful to see Hunter because only seeing him standing there is a reminder that Bailey isn't. I don't let it show on my face as I embrace him tightly. He's nearly taller than I am and his sandy blonde hair is a little longer than the last time I saw him. "Hey bro."

"You're getting skinny. Think I can out lift you by now?" Hunter says, trying to keep the mood light. It's better to do that with my family. If we let the void of Bailey sink in when we're all together, the mood sinks faster than the Titanic in the ocean.

"You wish." I step back towards Marley who was hovering behind to let me greet my family. I interlace my fingers with hers, "This is Marley. My girlfriend." I clarify the second part as Mom smiles.

"It's really nice to meet you guys. JJ talks about you all the time." Marley smiles shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Mirabelle smiles in a way that worries me significantly. "Oh I've been waiting a long time to meet you. Thanks for giving this idiot a chance."

I roll my eyes, "I guess we're past how excited you are to see me again. Are you guys ready to go?"

"Hunter and I are riding with you. Mom and Dad are getting the rental car." Mirabelle says and I look at our parents for confirmation.

"Sounds good to me, I could use some alone time with Lia." He jokes and I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"That is so gross. I don't want to hear about that."

"Ignore your dad. He's getting punched if he puts his hands near me." She says in a threatening but still teasing way. I lived in the same house as then for eighteen years, yet I have no idea how their relationship works.

"I'm regretting ever letting Owen and I show you how to throw a punch." Dad says, shaking his head.

Marley looks at me confused and I reassure her silently with a smile that all is fine. Mom threatening to punch Dad is something I've learned is a weird ass term of endearment.

"It's nice to meet you dear, welcome to the family." Mom says, smiling warmly at Marley and my smile grows wider. "JJ, we'll just follow your car to the house if that's okay?"

"Sounds good, see you there."

However, my stupid sister steals my girlfriend from me, hooking their arms together so they can gossip. I look at Hunter in disbelief as he just smiles.

"Did she really just do that?"

"I don't know why you're surprised. Mira's been talking about this trip nonstop. Henry did make her promise to be nice though. "

"She's never not nice, she's just nosy as shit." I remark sarcastically, despite the only part of this that bothers me is how I can't hold Marley's hand right now. I actually can't wait for them to get to know each other.

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