bakugo , deku and y/n where childhood friends but they couldn't stay like that forever as deku didn't get his quirk and y/n left those two.
later when they all unite in UA again and y/n starts dating with bakugo. when the lov kidnapped them they be...
Recap I left y/n back to her house and went back to sleep. End of Recap
Y/n pov: It's was time for the sports festival. I got ready and headed to school.
Midnight asked bakugo for the speech and u know how it went. Then she announced the first round.
Since from now on bakugo wanted to be with me, he didn't really care but he had to act like it .
Deku won the first round which shocked me and bakugo a bit.
On the second round everyone had eyes on deku for one million . I joined 1B 's team cause it would be interesting . I heard he can copy someone's quirk.
I followed his plan. He was pretty good with this. Although I would have not done that to bakugo.
In the end we lost so I couldn't go for round 3 . But now I can wacht bakugo fight future heros.
Time skip after all the fight.
Bakugo was pretty Tide up.... He still won first place like he told them. It kinda made me a bit happy.
Later I went to meet bakugo in the wating room .
Bakugos pov:
Y/n came in the room and smiled at me saying I did pretty good.
My heart started beating faster. I get up and go hug her.
"I really do love u so much " She said hugging back. "I know so do I " I replied.
Time skip to sunday
No ones pov:
It was finally the day for the small beach trip. Bakugo and y/n went togather as usual. Ochaco, mina, jiro ,minata, kaminiry, kirishima ,deku and todoroki.where all there waiting for them.
What the girls wear wearing 👇
What y/n is wearing 👇
They all have fun in the beach playing volleyball and swimming in the ocean.
Later they all barbecue the food they brought. After eating kaminari and kirishima bring firework. After playing till it gets dark.
Bakugo askes y/n to stay in his house since it's late and more near then hers.
Y/n agrees so they leave . Later when they go Inside they are greeted by his mom.
It looked like she was very surprised that someone actually love her son.
U go up to his room to sleep since they don't have an extra room. U realize that u don't have extra clothes.
Bakugo gives u his hoodie . U waer it wich makes him blush. After ur done teasing him u both go to sleep by him hugging u.
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