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i stayed on the ground longer than akutagawa who had took off the moment we were kicked out. i noticed he was almost out of sight so i caught up to him.

we started walking for about two minutes. " so that dai guy huh..." i tried to make a little conversation, breaking the silence. akutagawa then gave me a stare that that said he didn't want to talk about it. considering this, i chose to just shut up.

i noticed the path started to seemingly get more dangerous. weak branches and wild bushes started to crowd the trail. akutagawa sighed in annoyance and grabbed my hand as he twisted and turned his body in ways that dodged the things that were in our way. i of course followed knowing i didn't want anything in my way either.

i let go of his hand as the path had cleared. we were about to pass a cliff. apparently we got lost, but i paid it no matter in the moment. i breathed out clearly burned out and sat down on the edge of the cliff, dangling my feet off the height.  it was a starry night and you would be able to faintly see bats flying over a nearby lake, scooping up the mosquitoes that were flying over it.

as soon as i went to the edge of the cliff, i heard an annoying voice behind me. " you can't do that right now. we need to find our way back plus who in their right mind sits over the edge of a cliff? " the man from behind me said. i rolled my eyes upset i was getting interrupted. " generally speaking, you can't live your life in fear. if i did i might never be able to witness such a nice view. if you keep pondering about what can and cannot kill you, you'll never be able to fully enjoy the life you do have."

" plus look at the stars. they will definitely burn out one day and they know that. however, they have no qualms about shining bright as ever and just enjoying their life as they are. even though they are just living in the moment, nobody ever forgets a starry night that makes them feel good." i explained staring into the distance.

akutagawa coughed and stuck his hand out.  " if you think speaking all philosophical will make me forgive you, you're wrong. now let's get back."

i had decided to take his hand because for once, he didn't have any malice in his voice while talking to me.

i had decided to take his hand because for once, he didn't have any malice in his voice while talking to me

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(𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑) 𝐫. 𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 ( 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 )Where stories live. Discover now