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Valor Chapter 1 ♠️


The year is 5023 January 5th and the human race is locked in a war with an Alien Race Called the Quinna And there leader's Name is Z whom is thee Strongest and Smartest among them whom no one has fought him and lived too tell about it. Z is Currently On planet Symsio home of the Sym Race which they have signed a Contract too support the Black Steel Resistance who are the last remaining humans in all the universe becuz Z and his Quinna Army destroyed earth with a terrible weapon called Elementor which was effective untill it tried too kill Z that's when Z Elimanated it by Leaving it too die on Planet Chipp which is a desolate planet with only one thing on the planet which is a Giant Beast full of Magma named Magmor the Tyrranic and As Z is in his ship he told the pilot land this ship without so much as a scratch becuz if there is I will kill you and the pilot landed the ship but one teeny tiny scratch is on the ship and Z looked all over the ship and seen it finally and The pilot ran away Z said What a coward at least he could had some dignity worthless Worm as He ran away he ran right into A Woman and as they both are on the ground he said I'm sorry I was running for my life and she said it's Ok I know what's it's like too work for a tyrannic boss too I'm Charmer right Hand Woman for Creepella Ruler of the Symsionic Race and the man said my name is Reginald Roxer and I'm a Pilot for Z the Ruler of the Quinna Race and Charmer said wow aren't they evil? Then Before they can continue there discussion Z and Creepella Gather there Forces and A War begins As Both sides attack the other Z grabbed his Machine Guns and started killing and killing men women and children. While The Armies are clashing Charmer took Reginald by the hand too her home becuz neither one of them is a fighter Then Creepella used her Sym too make herself Purple miniguns on her arms and she laid waste too thousands of Quinna soldiers but Z she couldn't kill and as Z got closer and closer Creepella only had two choices Surender herself or Be killed and Creepella said I surrender and kneeled before Z whom Told his men and women too stand down and go back too there home planet and Z told Creepella too find the Worthless Worm who left his side named Reginald Roxer and kill him slowly And Creepella was so scared she agreed too do such a vile thing and Z then said Allright now I'll leave but betray me and I'll kill you your husband and your kids Courtney and Cassie without so much as a Tear in my eye not that I would ever have such a meaningless thing in my eye. Z then took Creepella's Necklace from her which her mother gave her on her 6th birthday and Z Ripped it from her like it was Worthless which most things too him are except killing , and fighting those are what he loves most in the whole universe besides ruling then Z left In his ship which he piloted and Creepella Stunned by the actions of the Overlord of the Quinna Empire she said royal guard hunt down The Traitor too the Quinna Empire known as Reginald Roxer and they Went look for him.

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