"ℋℴ𝓌 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝒹𝒾ℯ𝓉𝒾ℯ𝓈 ℴ𝒻 𝓅ℴ𝓅 𝓌ℯ𝓇ℯ 𝓂𝒶𝒹ℯ" ~ 𝓅𝓉. 1

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King peppy as the creator pop trolls realized that watching over an entire kingdom was lonely so one days he found two pure souls that weren't able to be born because an accident happened to they're eggs. so he decided to give them an second chance, He revived the two souls into deities He named the one on the left Branch and gave him the title of god of Protection and knowledge and The one at the right Creek god of Patience and compatibility.

 so he decided to give them an second chance, He revived the two souls into deities He named the one on the left Branch and gave him the title of god of Protection and knowledge and The one at the right Creek god of Patience and compatibility

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after he revived the two they started to form into full-grown trolls, once they gained consciousness the two looked at each other confused and they faced King peppy. "I gave you two an second chance in this world. In order for you to repay me, you must assist me in watching over our people and keeping everything in order understand?" They nodded and kneeled to him.

Some time has passed and Branch and creek always done they're errands however.. They started to gain personalities that differ to they're title for example branch is the god of protection and knowledge but he is also defensive and uses his knowledge to invent things to protect their tribe when the gods were not able to use their powers. He likes to be isolated

Then there's Creek the god of patience and compatibility though.... He became a master of deception and has came to envy King Peppy's over the years.

Peppy noticed that Creek and Branch always bantered. he realized that the two trolls that have their own consciousness is very difficult to manage, not wanting there to be drama in the pop temple he though to himself if he could revive two souls and make them his equals he's convinced he can make one from scratch. So King Peppy sat down one evening he Crafted a a soul from a portion of his own, An heir. Princess poppy! the goddess of laughter and recklessness, King peppy gave her affection and tendancy to be clingy and careless for some unknown reason.

She had shimmering pink hair that glows and magenta eyes

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She had shimmering pink hair that glows and magenta eyes. the king rejoiced on his first ever  personal creation his own daughter.

So after that, king peppy decided to wait before he creates more like her, he was more bothered on how he can introduce Poppy to branch and creek.

After some time, King peppy called branch and creek to the throne room and poppy was hidden.
Branch and Creek arrived and kneeled before him "Is there something you require your trollness?" Branch asked him, Poppy and King Peppy shared an light giggle. both creek and branch were confused why King Peppy is more jolly today than usual. they stood up then King Peppy spoke "Branch, Creek, I would like you to meet my Heir. Sometroll that'll take my place one day as ruler of pop" The news shocked the two and their jaws dropped. "Who?" Creek asked attentively which Branch started to suspect... but king peppy broke the silence with a soft whisper "Show time. " Poppy then was found next to King Peppy's shoulder. Creek thought she was Intimidating but Branch felt some kind of fascination towards her.

Poppy and the two exchange glances and poppy bursts with excitement! She flew down towards creek "Wow! Your outfit's so cool!" she complimented him. Then she popped up behind branch and started fidgeting with his cape "Oooo can I wear this?" She giggled and branch pulled his cape off her hands politely "Too close. Princess.. " Poppy then faced both of them and stood down on the ground "Princess Poppy!" Suddenly the Fascination branch felt towards her quickly faded away. "Poppy would you mind giving them some space?" King peppy asked, "Sorry! I'm just very excited to meet my new friends!" She backed up a bit and branch brushed off the glitter off his cape "Thank you." Branch said. "Don't worry princess poppy! I don't mind, Unlike some trolls.." Creek said the last part under his breath.

King peppy cleared his throat to break the tension "Branch, I must let you know Poppy is the embodiment of laughter and recklessness, Because of that I need you to prevent her from doing something problematic" Branch simply nodded and creek cuts in "Branch??? Why branch??" "Because he's the Embodiment of protection it makes sense" He accentuated, creek respectfully Nods gritting his teeth.

Branch was not really fond of this Idea of him becoming her "Protector" when he found her very annoying in just the first day. Poppy on the other hand was Excited of getting to learn more about her role as a Pop Princess.

(part 2 out soon)

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