"𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸ℯ𝓈𝓈 ℴ𝒻 𝓁𝒶𝓊ℊ𝒽𝓉ℯ𝓇" -𝓅𝓉. 2

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"I have a lot to do" Said King Peppy. "You guys should do your duties too, Branch I assign you to Watching over Princess Poppy and teach her about what she should know about being a certain embodiment. I trust you know the rest." "Yes your trollness" He bowed, He turned at Poppy and told her "Follow me.", She followed him and they left the room and so Did king Peppy. Creek was definitely not pleased with King Peppy's decision but there was nothing he could do...

(King Peppy went to play dolls with the mortal trolls)

Branch then thought to himself "If my job is to guide her in the path on being a Goddess surely the best option of education is the Library.." While branch was deep in thought, Something caught Poppy's eye. She saw Trolls under the temple playing some games. A grin then appeared on her face and as Branch was still pondering on his duty she Wandered off. Branch then stopped walking, "Ok Princess I have an Idea, Let's go to library maybe there we can-" Branch then turned behind him to find Poppy nowhere to be seen! Branch quickly ran to the balcony and saw Poppy below Sneaking off to talk to the other trolls. "PRINCESS!" He Exclaimed. He then went after her "I knew I should've taken this job seriously!" He said while running. He went down and hid as he observed Poppy.

"This looks fun can i play?" Poppy said to the other trolls. "Sure! Everyone is welcome" said An pink glitter troll. "Yey!" Poppy then proceeded to join them, Branch on the other hand was annoyed but also worried on how to get her out of this situation. "Say, I've never seen you around strange troll..? You're really pretty!" The pink glitter troll complimented her. "Thank you! You guys are pretty amazing yourselves, I came from up there!" She pointed at the temple.

"You live in the Pop temple??" Another troll asked in disbelief. "Nobody lives in the temple unless.." Just as they were gonna finish they're sentence, Branch then slowly came up to them. The three trolls then quickly went to hide behind poppy. "Hey what's wrong?" Poppy asked them. "That's Sir Branch! He's one of the grumpiest of The gods! Nobody likes being around him, We much prefer to be around creek" The third troll whispered. Poppy then looked confused as branch stood there before her, "I don't see how being grumpy is a problem?" she told them. The other trolls looked at her questionably.

Branch gave poppy a stern look "How can she say that when we knew each other for only a few minutes? How naive." He thought to himself, "Well, you seem very kind Umm.." "Poppy my name is Poppy!" Branch then cut in "PRINCESS Poppy" "Right right.. Princess Poppy, You seem very kind and If you say Sir branch is fun then we do too!" Said the Pink glitter troll. Just as Poppy was gonna say something Branch interrupted

"Princess Poppy, As much as you're enjoying yourself, You cannot just run off like that! It's my duty to watch over you" He reminded her. "Alright, Bye friends! I gotta go back" She said. The two went back to the temple and Poppy waved them goodbye.

A few Hours later, Branch is at the Library with Poppy, He was writing on a board as Poppy was sitting down as he was setting some ground rules. "Alright! Let's go over this again okay?" "You cannot under any circumstances go over of a few feet from me, You may also not meddle with things you don't understand!, You will spend your hours here in the Temple until you can master all of your Funergy" Said Branch. "Funergy? Sounds fun! What's Funergy?" Poppy asked him.

"Funergy is Fun energy within you. Everytroll has them but its not as Major as Ours, You see Our Funergy serves as a-" As branch was explaining Poppy was Dozing-off. "Princess!" He called. She fell off her seat "Ow!" She yelped. " Y'know Princess it hasn't even been a Day and you've proven incapable of behaving yourself. I knew I should've taken this task more seriously.." He spoke distinctly. "I'm Sorry Bran- I mean SIR! Branch, Its just that... I find your teaching method boring?" She told him hesitantly then shrugged her shoulders. "Boring??? WELL-!..." He paused.

" Alright Princess. I'll be right back don't go anywhere" He went for the door and made and Blue transparent forcefield around poppy to prevent her from escaping. Poppy was amazed at this sight "How did you do that!? It so cool!" Before branch could answer he has already left, Poppy smooshed her face against the forcefield and said muffled "SIR BRANCH!".

During this, Branch went to King Peppy chamber and he lifted the curtain at the entry and found King Peppy writing an letter while the Pink string is playing pop music across the room

Like this scene))
Branch approached the King and called,"Your trollness, do you have a moment?" King Peppy turned to him "Of course I do! Have a seat." He offered. Branch sat down and took a deep breath. "Your" daughter" is a riot. She won't stay still, she already ran off Somewhere ITS ONLY BEEN A DAY!, She is relentless, does not pay attention, AND OVERALL hard to manage! What do you want me to do here?? Shouldn't Sir Creek be assigned this role? I reckon he knows how to calm a troll down and make them listen to him. Nobody listens to me. "He blurted out with a hint of sincerity in his voice. King Peppy couldn't help but smile" Branch, I chose you to watch over Princess Poppy because I know your best fit for the job you just have to believe in yourself some more. A little self confidence never hurt anytroll?" Branch let out a deep sigh" Alright I'll give it another go, I won't let you down Your trollness. " King Peppy Chuckled." I'm sure you won't. " Branch then left the room and returned to the library.

He saw the door was slightly open and his eyes widened, he thought there was an intruder of some sort since the light is off and there wasn't even a hint of noise. Branch summoned his sword on his right paw and barged in! just to find...

A Shiny silver glitter troll was trying to break the princess out with a chair!? IT'S GODEX (GUY) DIAMOND!?

(sorry for it being short, there's more to come on the next part so buckle up)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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