Vlad King

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Hey besties, please expect:

♡ primal play
♡ blood play (use of his quirk)
♡ menophilia
♡ slight vampirism / ingestion of blood
♡ verbal humiliation & degradation
♡ plot? what plot?

I have the worst case of brainrot rn.
Writing Fatgum dubcon too but I needed to get this out of my system coz I am consumed and unable to function.


I can't run fast enough.
My bare feet pound the damp soil, crushing fallen leaves and twigs. The scent of pine fills the air along with the deafening sound of cicadas but I can hear him over the high-pitched chorus.
He no longer moves like a predator as he chases me through the night.
I skid to a halt as he appears in front of me, nearly losing my footing in the process.
"This is futile, pet. You're already winded... just give in... surrender..."
His voice is like silk. Smooth and cool, belying the heat in his gaze.
"Never," I pant, my lungs squeezing painfully for every breath.

Changing direction, I take off again, swatting at a low-hanging branch, hoping the ricochet catches him.
"Enough of this.
His voice is all around me even though I can't see him.
I scream as he tackles me to the ground, uncaring of how it skins my knees. Lashing out blindly, I try to get away but somehow manage to hand myself over to him. His hand easily captures my wrists, pinning them to the ground.
"Did you even make an effort?"
I grunt like a cornered animal, trying to wrench out of his hold.

He laughs at my futile struggle. "Give up," he insists.
Could I knee him in the balls and make another break for it?
"Don't even think about it," he says, his grip tightening on my wrists, making the bones grind together.
With an indignant shriek, I rear up and bite his neck, making him release me, a look of surprise flitting across his chiselled features.
I make a mad dash for it, scrambling to my feet and sprinting away with his mocking laughter ringing in my ears.
"Well played, pet,"he calls from not far behind me.
I know he could have captured and overpowered me ages ago, instead he toys with me... a game of catch and release like a cat swatting at a struggling butterfly. He'd yet to show his claws.

My chest burns, my legs over tired and trembling as I run through the underbrush. How much longer can I keep this up before my body fails me and I fall prey to him?
Apparently not long.
I stumble over a gnarled root and fall to my knees before the heat of his body presses against my back.
"I win, pet.. I always win."
A sound of frustration escapes me as I try to fight him off, but he presses closer, his body caging mine. The hard length of his cock is like a brand against my spine.
He'd gotten aroused by this? Just by the chase?
I try to pull away and he shoves me face first against the ground.
"Get off me," I pant even as he cuts through the back of my t-shirt. Cool air hits my skin, licking goosebumps along my exposed spine.

Did he?...

A warm trickle runs between my shoulderblades and he groans lustfully before his tongue laps at the stinging wound. Shuddering, I squeeze my eyes shut and savour every sensation from the hot puff of his breath fanning across my skin and the slight scrape of his teeth to the way his chest rises and falls rapidly as his breathing grows shallow with excitement.
"You look good in red, pet," he growls, reaching into my ruined and gaping shirt to cup my breast.
As he drops his guard, I take my opening and roll from beneath him only to have him lunge for me.
We roll across the fallen leaves, grappling as he tries to pin me down again.
"Enough!" he growls moments before I reach back and rake my nails down his cheek, eliciting an animalistic hiss from him. "Oh, you're going to regret that."
The dark promise makes me shiver even as I try to fight my way free of his weight

His hand engulfs my breast again and he kneads gently, teasing until my body feels heavy.
I take a shuddering breath as my back arches, pushing myself more firmy into his gloved palm and moan as he pinches my nipple.
"Kan..."my voice trembles when he bites my neck, "... harder. I need more."
He obliges, pinching harder and twisting slightly. "Better?" He asks and sinks his teeth deeper into my skin.
"Yes," I mewl, feeling my body throb to life, my pussy growing slick with anticipation.
Pushing back, I grind my ass against his groin and relish the way his cock jerks like it's trying to escape the confines of his pants.
"Take your pants off, pet,"he instructs and I shake my head in refusal.
If he wants me naked, he's going to work for it.
"Be a good little slut for me and take them the fuck off." He presses his lips to the shell of my ear. "Quickly, pet. I only have so much patience and if I have to take them off, I'll rip them. Unless... that's what you want? Want me to destroy these so you're forced to leave this forest naked?"
"No!" I exclaim, shifting to my knees and tugging the waistband down over my ass and to my knees.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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