I Spy with My Little Eye

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I glance at the bloodies out the window, thinking of a plan

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I glance at the bloodies out the window, thinking of a plan. Then my attention is drawn to the bolted doors. Their muffled snarling and roaring aren't as loud as before. I glance at my classmates, figuring out the situation between them. I feel the ambiance in the classroom changes. The people are not as loud as they were. They seem to be... just thinking.

I approach the nearest door where my hand finds itself grasping the knob. I slowly turn it, unlocking the door. I pull it toward me, and there's a little gap between the door and the frame, enough for me to take a peek at the situation outside.

Several bloodies are standing by the hallway, and some are going in and out of the other classrooms. One of them bumps its head on a metallic pole that's attached to a cemented column. It makes a clanking sound and the other bloodies roar. They run toward the pole, hands above their heads, reaching for nothing but just the pole itself.

Then I turn to the other side. I gasp when a bloodie passes by, so close to me I thought it would find me behind the semi-closed door. It didn't. It continues to walk ahead. I take a look again and find half of the hallway clear of bloodies. Or maybe they're all just in the classrooms.

I shut the door again as soon as I retrieve myself to safety. A plan comes in on the top of my head. I walk back to Lenore. "I got an idea," I whisper.

"What?" Lenore asks in a normal tone.

"I'm going out," I reply. "I'll get Ysa and the others."

She squints her eyes. "Like a bloody summer vacation? Are you nuts?"

"If there's only one way to save them, then going out is the way."

She adjusts herself to confront me. "Are you thinking straight right now? Because it seems like you're not. You going out there will contribute to nothing. You're only going to die. They will kill you!"

"So does staying here!"

She massages the temples of her head. "Ugh! You're giving me a headache."

"You were worried about Ysa, Patty, Jay, and Katy earlier, like you were itching to do something to help them. And now that I'm planning the same thing, you're skeptical about it?"

"Just... just sit down, yeah? It's actually better to stay here. You said that yourself." Her voice increases volume as if she has gotten older than me by five years and is now playing the mother role.

"What?" Isaac says. He must have overheard our conversation.

I squeeze my eyes, looking away from him. "It's... it's nothing."

"She said she's gonna go out there," Lenore replies in an infuriated tone. "Alone."

I roll my eyes. "I didn't say that."

"What, are you gonna kill yourself or something?" Mark asks.

I have a feeling this isn't gonna work anymore. Though I'm also at fault for telling Lenore about my plan.

CATACLYSM: GRADUATION (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now