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You know... there are lots of places where you can wake up and go, 'Yeah I can see how that might have happened.' But, I'm pretty sure underwater isn't one of them. Ignoring the fact that you would drown and not wake up again for one. How exactly would you end up like that? Especially if you live in a area constantly ravaged by droughts.

Well voices in my head let me answer that one for you! Apparently, the answer to that question is Multiversal Time Travel shenanigans! Now circling back to the water thing.

I stared at my webbed hands as I swoosh them through the water in front of me. The sand below them kicked up by the currents. 'Yup that's water alright.' I should probably move towards land but the novelty of not drowning hasn't quite worn off yet.

After about ten minutes of screwing about underwater I decided to move to what looked like lights. Breaching the surface of the water twenty meters away from what looked like a beach revealed more mysteries to me. 'Wayne Enterprises.' Nicely illuminated on a skyscraper in the distance, nicely framed by the moon slightly to the right of the building.

"Aaaaaaah... fuck" Well... that answered some questions at least. Put into a universe literally just 1 step removed from a litteral death world, my only tool some skin between my fingers and Gills, because anything usefull would have been too fuckin much to ask for.

I slowly sank back beneath the water, trying my best to not hyperventilate and die of a panic attack. I sank until I was sitting back on the sand. I don't remember my exact thoughts but I'm pretty sure they went something like. 'Ok. This is ok. Everything is ok! You'll be fine! No one even knows you're here, why are you panicking?! It's not like there are extinction level events happening on a weekly basis only to get stopped by a insane man in a bat onesie and a god raised by farmers!' You know the proper response to finding out you're in a comic universe and completely separated from everyone and everything you love.

I would love to say that I manned up and bravely got out of the water, but that would be a lie. I was eventually forced out by my stomach rumbling like a distant avalanche. So motivated by a need to not die, I eventually got the courage to get out of the water at the beach I saw earlier.


You know... it may sound ironic, but I felt out of my depth, a fish out of water you could say! No? Ok, I'll stop with the puns...

But back to business. You'd think people would be scared of the fishy man walking down the street but, Gotham seemed to be a different breed. Not even 5 minutes of walking and now I'm getting mugged in a filthy alley. Now to be honest, the man brandishing a knife at me did seem out of it. Like he wasn't really there. But that probably made him more dangerous not less.

When he spoke his words came out slurred. Like he'd had one too many to drink. "Listen freak! Your wallet! Hand it over!" And honestly the name calling just seemed uncalled for. I opened my mouth to tell him I didn't have a wallet on me. "..." Well... that's a problem. "Well freak! Come on, I don't got all day!" I opened my mouth again to try and say anything but all that came out was a slight breathy noise. So... who would have guessed that fish vocal cords weren't made for speaking English.

The man in front of me clearly wasn't impressed by my pathetic display at linguistics. He growled as he closed the distance between us quickly. "You mocking me fishstick?! I'll gut you like the fucking fish you are!"

I watched in mute horror as the man's knife slid into my stomach. I slowly started tipping backwards. My last thoughts before blacking out were quite simple. 'Holy shit that hurts.'


If I had a penny for every time I woke up in a strange place, well I would have 2 pennies. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. I blocked out the sun with one arm and with the other I grabbed at my stomach. Feeling the cut in my shirt but not the cut underneath. I quickly took off my shirt looking at my stomach finding nothing but unblemished skin. I sighed in relief. Happy knowing my guts weren't gonna leak on the floor. Knowing that I quickly got up and out of the filth on the floor.

Touching my stomach again, I tried inspecting it closer but it looked fine. 'Healing factor... neat!' I concluded, putting my shirt back on. Looking around I realized how long I must have been out. I shuffled from one foot to the other as I considered what I should do now.

I came out into Gotham looking for food... I frowned as I looked down at my Stomach. I wasn't hungry anymore...


Author Note: Let the Bad English Consume you!

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