Chapter VIII - A Bear and a Girl

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"This was just a stop, on the way to where I'm going

I'm not afraid because I know this was my temporary home."

Temporary Home

Carrie Underwood


Chapter VIII - A Bear and a Girl


Narnia and England presented as the same at the core

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Narnia and England presented as the same at the core. The purest form came in trees, fields, and grass. That was what Polly helped me with first, to ease me into this world. Start from scratch and build our way up. Whenever this world became too overwhelming I returned to my roots.—camping out and hunting on several occasions.

Polly and I are working with each other. We had much to learn from one another. She was from a period in Narnia that was long before my lifetime. She had the purest insight of Old Narnian history, as was there when it was written. I had the new generation information. She loved hearing how far Narnia had advanced since she was there last.

One night I let my curiosity run freely, "Did you ever wish to go back?"

"Of course. Of course." She agreed, "But I am not blind to the fact that I am far safer here. I have always had the feeling that I was meant to perish in Narnia. I was just a babe when I first entered Narnia, only eleven years of age. I think I was meant to live in England, but die in Narnia. I narrowly escaped death then, I'm far too old to return now."

"What happens if I grow so old I shall not return?" I used a dull knife to cut through a piece of chicken breast. Polly was a decent cook and I was grateful for every meal, but my stomach missed the Kings and Queens dinners.

"Then you will learn to live in England."

"What if we are opposites?" I considered, pushing a lonely potato around. "What if I'm supposed to live in Narnia and die in England."

"We have no control over either."

After cleaning up from dinner and a brief chapter on England's history, Polly announced that it was time for bed. In the early stages of our friendship, we walked up the stairs separately. I would stay behind and keep myself occupied until some part of me was tired. Now we had created a different routine. We would both go to bed at the same time, Polly providing a sleeping tablet for me. Sometimes they worked and I was asleep within the next few minutes and other times I would stare at the ceiling or my curtains or the pillow next to me. Last night was a sleepless night so I truly hope uninterrupted sleep was in my near future. And that nothing from my past would haunt me tonight.

Polly wished me the best of sleep and promise that tomorrow would bring the opportunity of learning how to drive. I informed her that I was the reigning champion of the jousting tournament and how confident I was to learn this new form of transportation.

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