Chapter 1

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(Play :- How far does the dark go? Music attached above

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(Play :- How far does the dark go? Music attached above. It's great! :))


"Do you seriously want to go there, Ana?" My best friend and roommate Claire Hudson asked me impatiently.

I nodded my head silently and put my mother's earrings on. It was supposed to be just another day of my monotonous life, yet it wasn't.

Today was the day my dearest mother embraced death.

Today was the most important day of my life.

Claire offered me a sad smile and gazed at my reflection in the mirror. She had known me for long to comprehend that I was having a very hard time. "Promise me you will not cry much?" She pleaded softly.

I chuckled sadly at her, wondering how did she know me so well, "I won't," I shook my head and returned a smile, "now take care of yourself. There's some pasta in the fridge."

She got up from the bed and walked to me. Wrapping her warm arms around me, she offered the tenth hug of the day. Sometimes I wondered that without her, I would have been lost already.

Claire had been friends with me since middle school when I was new in Deolin. My hometown was Bilgonia, and that was the place where my memories were buried. I embraced her back and took a moment to calm my racing heart.

"I should go," I whispered more to myself, and bid my goodbye to her. She gave me another sweet smile as I stepped out of our rented apartment. I walked my way to the posh neighborhood in hurry, hoping I was not too late for the last evening bus.

On my way, I sighed and wondered, what went wrong with my course of life?

I shook my head, deciding not to think of the dreadful past I had. The bus blew the horn loudly, signaling that it had arrived at the bus stop. The huge vehicle pulled the gear and stopped just a few feet away from the actual bus stop-board. Along with me, a few girls and boys also rushed towards the sliding doors. I climbed in clumsily, and finally took an empty seat near the window. It was usual of me to travel in public transport.

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