GOT7 Jackson x Reader part 2

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(a/n) Okay so here is part two and hopefully you guys will enjoy it!!

The bell rang for lunch and everyone rushed to the cafeteria. I got pushed and shoved by lots of people running down the halls. Ugh... rude! I was able to pass through the crowd waiting to get their lunch. "(y/n)! Come sit with us!" My friend Amber shouted. "Hey guys! You will not believe what just happened to me during one of my classes!" You told them everything and they were all in shock. "(Y/n)!! The hottest guy in school put his arm around you!!!" Amber said with excitement. "Um hello, the hottest guy is right here" Henry said pointing to himself. Amber and I started laughing.

A few minutes later Jackson and the rest of GOT7 came walking towards us. "Hey (y/n), can we join you guys?" Jackson asked. "Sure!" I said with a smile across my face. Jackson sat right next to me while the others sat across the other side of the table. They gave me winks and looks telling me to go for it but i didnt think now was the right time. I wanted him to make the first move. Once we finished eating he suddenly stood up, grabbed my arm, and took me to a corner. Just the two of us. Alone. "(Y/n), i have something to tell you-" what does he need to tell me? Is it important? "I-I like you..." he started to blush and it was cute the way he acted. "I love you too Jackson." He looked at me with those big brown eyes of his and smiled.

Jackson's P.O.V
The bell rang for lunch which meant I could spend my time with my one and only. Once my crew and I got to the cafeteria, we walked down the halls with coolness and swag. Everyone looked at us with jaws dropped. All the girls wanted to be ours and the guys wanted to be us. We made our way through the cafeteria and i found (y/n) sitting with her friends Amber and Henry. "Hey (y/n), can we join you guys?" She smiled and said yes. Amber, Henry, and my crew sat on the other side of the table while me and (y/n) sat on this side. Just us together.

After we finished eating, I decided that it was time to tell her that I liked her ever since. I stood up, grabbed her arm and dragged her to a corner where it was only the two of us. Alone. I took a deep breath to shake off the nerves before I could tell her how i felt. "(Y/n), I have something to tell you... I-I like you..." I started to blush a dark red and I guess it was pretty obvious because she started to giggle a little. "I love you too Jackson." Did she just say what I thought she said? She said "I love you"? Yay!! Im so happy!!!! We're gonna be the perfect couple and I just know it! She's all mines.

(A/n) hey guys sorry for the late update but hope you guys enjoyed it!!!

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