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Welcome to the second book
Make sure to read Black Bullet first!

Like any other night Jimin was riding his motorcycle through the city the cold season was coming and he loved going on lonely rides around this time

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Like any other night Jimin was riding his motorcycle through the city the cold season was coming and he loved going on lonely rides around this time

He usually goes to one spot where he can see the statue of liberty and the boats slowly passing by

Jimin parked his motorcycle aside taking off his helmet letting his red locks fall on his forehead he scanned the area before getting off

He sat on the bench facing the river he sighed leaning back hearing the small waved hit the curb it's been really long time since he's encountered violence and crimes luckily he hasn't come across one

It was a calm city he felt in love with it and decided to stay here living as a normal person

His daily life was delivering food from a restaurant and sometimes taking one day jobs like cleaning an entire apartment by himself and getting payed after he's done with the job and moves on to the next one

He lives in a small apartment off the city but he didn't mind riding for about an hour to get there

Six years ago

Jimin was pushed into the ocean he didn't think he was going to survive with the gunshot wounds he remembers waking up hearing Rose's voice with a blurry vision then seeing black again

From what Rose said he's been in a coma for months he was shocked to discover that he was still alive

If he wanted to he would have returned back to Roanapur and expose that Taehyung has been blackmailing him the entire time but he decided it's best to stay away from there and move on

Ever since then he hasn't pick up his pistol he hid it inside a shoe box buried deep under his bed

He wanted to get away from that life and start a new one where he can find himself and decide what he wants to do for the rest of his life

After going places and living in cheap apartments for months him and Rose decided to stay here in New York it's been a year since they settled in working different jobs and having time to themselves

But he does wonder what if one day they stumbles upon one of the members from black bullet?

He knew everyone from the company thinks they're both dead but he sometimes couldn't help but think what could happen if they get recognized?

And Namjoon?

He misses him so much but he can't go back that day he supposedly died his father had exposed him in front of Namjoon and he doesn't think he'll be treated the same way

His phone started to ring Jimin pressed the green button and placed it over his ear "Are you out already?" He asked "Yes the manager let us go home early today I'll be waiting for you here"

The line was cut off Jimin glanced at the moon I hope you're doing okay and staying healthy...

Jimin put his helmet on and drove his motorcycle towards the city when he got there he saw Rose standing by the bus stop and she started walking towards him "Hey aren't you cold with that?"

"It's not that cold I'll be fine" she answered getting on and hugging his waist Jimin hummed before driving off to their apartment

Rose was working at a small restaurant as a waitress sometimes doing overtime to get more money

They were able to afford the rent but had a little bit of extra money for any emergency that could occur in the future

Jimin parked his motorcycle and got off Rose went ahead and unlocked the door removing her jacket "I'll go make some pasta do you want me to cook anything specific today?" She asked

"No just the pasta" he answered going into his room he laid on his bed having his hand over his heart he thanked god for still being alive and well today

It's like a second chance of life

He sat up looking at his closet for a good minute before he got up getting a small box from the top of the self and opened it he sighed looking at the ring Namjoon gave him for his 18th birthday

I wonder if you still have the necklace I gave you

Jimin sat on the bed with the box on his hands for a while until Rose called him to eat dinner

They sat in the couch and watched their favorite show that came out with a new episode every Thursday

When they were done eating Rose fell asleep and Jimin got up to wash the dishes and carefully carry her to her room and closed the door going to the kitchen to grab a cold beer from the fridge and went outside

He sat on the stairs hearing the cars pass by and peoples footsteps from left and right hearing them talk and hangout by their cars smoking and drinking

It reminded him of Roanapur

Expect it was cold outside and he made sure to wear his hoodie so he wouldn't get sick again like the first time they ever came here to stay for a few days

From the pocket of his hoodie he pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter I know I said I'll never smoke Namjoon but I became addicted to these whenever I'm happy, sad, angry... any emotion really

He blew the smoke away once he inhaled it frowning as the cold air came in contact with his skin

Jimin then heard gunshots from afar his neighbors frantically ran up the stairs trying to get into their apartment Jimin got up and walked back inside locking the door walking to his room

He kneeled down to reach a certain box but stopped himself before he could even go further

As much as he wanted to grab his pistol and save the day he didn't and backed away moving the cigarette from his lips exhaling hard

He promised himself no more waving his gun around to protect the citizens in this city someone else would do it instead right now he needed to get some rest tomorrow he was going to work double

After removing his hoodie and changing into his comfy pajamas he got in bed and turn to his side

He was still lost trying to figure out who he really is he hoped that someday he'll find the answer

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