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Sorry I got sick !! And I couldn't upload anything I'm doing a little better here's the next chapter.

"We'll look for any evidence that might be useful for now you can take a look around" Irene said unlocking the door pushing it open for Namjoon to go in first

The apartment was small Namjoon looked around the living room everything was left like they were in a hurry to leave

In the rooms he saw Rose's clothes, accessories, shoes, face products left behind he glanced at the laundry basket and picked up a waitress uniform the name tag on it didn't say her name it had a completely different name

He went to Jimin's room after handing the uniform to Irene to take care of it

The room was a mess there was things knocked down all his cabinets were wide open he kneeled down picking up the blankets and saw a box with the lid half open when Namjoon opened it, it was empty

He went through all his things and left the closet for last Namjoon went through all the pockets of his clothes then reached to grab the items on top

He accidentally knocked a small box Namjoon saw a silver ring roll to the bed he quickly went to pick it up his eyes widened

It was the ring that he got for him

After all these years he kept it but it looks like he never wore it since he kept it hidden in a box

Outside in the living room Jisoo and Jin were gathering some things that were around they stopped doing what they were doing and glanced once Namjoon appeared

"Where's Irene?"

"She left after you gave her the uniform she went to go investigate and see if she could get any in—

Jisoo got interrupted by her phone ringing she excused herself and went to answer it Jin walked over to his friend "How are you doing? Did you take your medication? I have it just in case. Don't try me"

Namjoon let out a chuckle and showed Jin the ring letting him grab it he turned around with a sigh

"I took all the medicine I'm sorry that I'm making you all do this the search will soon be over we are so close to discovering where he is"

"Hey guys" Jisoo called as she walked back to the living room getting their attention "Irene found the restaurant where Rose worked at we should head down immediately"

At the restaurant Namjoon and Irene were just behind the building waiting for the manager to show up

The rusty door slammed opened an oversized man came out with his dirty apron along with alone female worker with long brown hair wearing the same uniform they found back at the apartment

"What's this all about?" The grumpy man asked taking out a cigarette as the girl stood next to him

"We were actually wondering if you can provide us with some information about this certain woman right here" Irene clicked on the pictures and showed the two of them a picture of Rose

The man sighed looking at them "Yeah she used to work here but she ran off without a word a few weeks ago her name was Sujin I've seen her get picked up and dropped off by some guy in a motorcycle"

"She mentioned it was her friend.." the girl spoke rubbing her arm "We weren't close but we would talk normally as coworker and nothing else"

"You don't happen to have any footage?"

Back to the hotel Namjoon laid on the bed they managed to get some clear footage of Rose walking inside the restaurant and out Jimin had his helmet on at all times he was unable to see his face

The manager also informed him about a murder just where they were standing

There was a camera in the back but it was destroyed Namjoon didn't want to think that maybe one of them had something to do with it

He stayed in bed for the remainder of the day while the others were out Namjoon wasn't in good physical to be doing everything like he used to

The ring was sitting on the nightstand he turned his body around and stared at it before closing his eyes and going to sleep in his dream the image of Jimin smiling at him appeared

His blonde fluffy hair and rosy cheeks

In the old apartment in Roanapur he was standing inside the room Namjoon reached out to grab him

Jimin threw himself and Namjoon hugged him

Namjoon smiled in his sleep


"Meet your bodyguard her name is Winter she gets the job done without any problems we need to move quickly to my private jet any questions?"

"Umm yeah.." Jimin said "How many times are we going to move around we just got here a few days ago don't you have like an underground house or something?"

"I will explain once we get there" Eun-woo replied

Him and Rose got inside a black van they drove to the airport and quickly got inside the private jet Winter went around to check if everything was set before taking off

It was going to be a 11 hour flight

Eun-woo said he was going to stay a few extra days in Italy before joining them Jimin was sitting in the seat waiting for the plane to take off

He glanced over at the window the new bodyguard named Winter seemed pretty young to be doing this type of job she was straight forward and mature the way she answered and did what Eun-woo ordered she almost seemed brainwashed

Jimin rested his head back he wondered where they going since Eun-woo didn't say a word

"It looks like they're catching up to us pretty quick what are we going to do if they are waiting for us to arrive? It would cause panic to the public.."

He looked over at Rose and touched her hand for confort "I don't think they'll do that in the open we need to be prepared for whatever happens don't worry I'll keep you protected at all costs"

"I... I hope so.." she replied

During that 11 hour flight Jimin didn't receive any updates from Eun-woo he refreshed the messages one last time before turning off his phone

Winter came over to check on them she carefully covered Rose with the blanket that was moved then handed Jimin a new bottle of water he took it thanking her

"We only have two more hours" she whispered softly

"To ummm where exactly?"


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