Study at my place part 2

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As we go into the dinning room we see my parents setting the food on the table.

As we go into the dinning room we see my parents setting the food on the table

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Mom: good you are here kids sit down and make yourself comfortable

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Mom: good you are here kids sit down and make yourself comfortable

Y/n: thanks mom

We sit down with Taehyung, my mom and my dad on one side with Jimin and I on the other, as we eat we talk as well.

Dad: So Jimin how is the project you guys are working on going?

Jimin: It's going well mr Johansen

Dad: That's good, how are you going home from here?

Jimin: Well I think I'm just gonna walk

Mom: Can't your parents come get you?

Jimin: Well we only have one car and my mom has it to work

Y/n: I can drive you home then

Jimin: That's very kind of you but I can walk it's not that long

My mom gets up to go get dessert and put away our plates. After that she comes back with the dessert and sits back down after having given everyone a dessert.

Y/n: But it's getting late so it's not safe to walk outside alone

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Y/n: But it's getting late so it's not safe to walk outside alone

Jimin: are you sure? I don't want to be a trouble for you

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