The Secret Recipe

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This bonus chapter ended up turning into a mini story so I haven't proofread it as it'd take too long. I hope that you enjoy it anyway!

Mancake was called what he was because he was both a man and a pancake - a man made of pancake. He wore a real cloak over his beige leather all-in-one suit. Atop that cloak, he wore butter swrapped together with a thin rope like a wreath. Mancake was the owner of the island's Butter Barn.
  Mancake remembered when all of the food mascots were on the same team. The Seven, a team of reality-hopping heroes, recruited them all to command the many loopers they were in control of. Together, they defeated the IO, an evil, controlling organisation, and had won freedom to all of the islanders.
  These days, people just tended to vibe around, eating out and partying. But that was not for Mancake! In a world where people ate out more, Mancake needed to make sure that his stacks o' jacks were the top delecacy on the market. It was a stressful business, more than it had ever been before.
  This might've been because Mancake was a bit of a tryhard (or a sweat as the younger people called it) at trying to sustain his top spot. He was serious and strong and wanted to lead the sale amounts as he had once lead the foodies in the IO-Seven war.
  But the only way to lead the sales was to having something unique to sell; that's what the Butter Barn secret recipe was. A recipe perfected over hundred of years by past pancake people, containing [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] because the recipe needed to be something nobody had heard of and will never hear of because Mancake would see to it that none of the other loopers could recreate it.
  Mancake didn't need the secret recipe in order to make the pancakes because he remembered how to but he always checked to make sure it was still there. It was a lifeline! If people knew how to make the pancakes, then Mancake would be stranded on the middle of an ocean of debt!
  He hadn't had an ocean of debt when he'd built the restaurant. It was a large place with two floors, a terrace, an outdoor seating area and a basement for storing food. The walls were made with wood taken from the finest trees up by Logjam Lumberyard. They were oiled to bring out their rich brown colour, and with the naturalistic grey cobbles of the floor and sandy desert mesa outside the Butter Barn really had the appearance of a wild western saloon.
  In the basement, with its cold white-painted walls and many freezer rooms, were many things that people didn't see. This included a stash of slurp juice and a hidden room - his bedroom. Beside the secret room was a secret compartment, a safe with a password only he'd know: the name of his first pet, which was [REDACTED].
  No, if you were in the Butter Barn you would not be able to replicate the Mancake pancakes. Mancake prided himself with his secrecy. He was unstoppable, irrefutable and superior to the other restaurants! So when Mancake arrived at his safe and saw that his secret recipe had been stolen, his buttery heart dropped out of his body (metaphorically of course; if his heart actually dropped out of his body that'd be gross.)
  "AHHHHH! AHHHHHH! AHH! AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHH!" Mancake screamed. He then proceeded to scream a lot, "AHHHHH..!"
  And so on, and so on until Mancake had finally calmed down. He breathed heavily, upstairs. Mancake didn't actually remember going upstairs, but he was there nonetheless. Mancake dragged his brown booted heels to the balcony, where he looked out across the mesa.
  What was he going to do? One of his competitors had undoubtedly stolen his secret recipe! When he found them, he was going to take his illegally claimed ranger shotgun and fire many bullets through their foodie head.
  But he couldn't do it alone. He needed a team... but Mancake wasn't someone who dealt in bounty hunting. Not anymore. Ironically, Mancake had once worked for his enemy the IO as a bounty hunter himself, but he was beyond that now. He now earned his money honestly, through making pancakes of course.
  Mancake reminisced about the adventures he'd gone on in his prime. He'd made many friends, but three of them had stuck with him in his mind: the Mandalorian aka Mando, shadow ninja Kondor and glory-destined gladiator Menace.
  Mancake hadn't met up with any of his friends in a long time, but they occasionally visited his restaurant. It felt nice whenever he saw them, as they were some of the few friends he had.
  Mando was smart and knew that something was up the moment he'd arrived on the island. He had a special sniper that sensed heat signatures and a cold demeanor. Or at least this was true until he opened up to you, then he'd be a little more friendly.
  Kondor was the youngest of the squad and a man of few words. He'd visited the Butter Barn earlier in the week, on what he'd said had been his eighteenth birthday. But being the shy shadow he was, he didn't want any insane celebration. However, that didn't stop Mancake giving him a birthday pancake and singing at his friend's table. That day, he'd left without paying while Mancake went to serve someone else. Mancake let it go as a birthday present.
  Menace was a menace on the battlefield, as his name implied. He was loud and had an inflated ego. It drove them all sick sometimes, but Mancake did his best not to let it bother him. He didn't mean any harm... mostly.
  Speaking of Menace... was that him there in the gas station that faced the Butter Barn? Menace had bought a packet of klomberries from that gas station and turned away from it, meandering towards the outdoor cinema Rocky Reels. He was humming a tune loud enough that everyone in the vicinity could hear his deep bellows.
  The warrior was shirtless and wore vibrant brown leather around his waist like a skirt, except he never referred to it as that. His tanned, scarred muscles could be seen on his bare chest and arms, and also his legs as they thundered through the slowly drifting sands. He wore gold sandals and a gold helmet to go with it, and the helmet was topped with flames that were somehow violet - it was epic.
  "Menace!" Mancake called, his voice hoarse from all of his screaming.
  Menace turned around sharply, "Mancake? Old friend! It's good to see you again!"
  The warrior jogged strongly towards the pancake shack, each footstep from his sandals leaving a clear footprint. Mancake ran down the stairs to join him. He opened the door to his place and held it open as the gladiator stepped proudly through the door.
  "Your open sign says that you're closed." Menace noticed.
  Mancake grimaced, "Yes, I'm having a bit of a crisis, partner."
  "How so?" Menace took a seat on one of the dark oak benches before patting the seat beside him, despite the establishment not being his.
  Mancake took the seat, "My secret recipe has been stolen."
  "But you don't need it, right?" Menace knew him too well.
  "I don't, but I can't have anyone else having it. My competitors are very competitive." Mancake mentioned.
  "Ah." Menace folded his arms, "So what are you going to do about it?"
  Mancake sat in thought for a while, wondering what he was actually going to do. He looked to Menace. And then Mancake remembered; they were bounty hunters! They could sort this out themselves. But Mancake was desperate to get the whole squad back together.
  "Do you know where to find Kondor or Mando, partner?" Mancake asked.
  "We could put out a bounty on our bounty tokens." Menace suggested, although it sounded more like a command.
  The bounty tokens were registered to IO's squads. They had one disc for general IO business and one for their own personal squad. Mancake still had his somewhere, so he nodded to Menace before be went into the basement and found the tokens in a decrepit box behind his Slurp juice barrels.
  Mancake placed the two tokens on the table they were sat out. They both looked from one token to the other, trying to remember whether the black one or the white one was the personal squad one.
  "You might not want to put a bounty on the public IO one, considering your current alignment." Menace reminded him.
  "Of course, partner. I'll be careful." Mancake said before contradicting the statement by blindly choosing the white disc.
  There were two buttons on the back, one labelled 'location' and one labelled 'person'. Mancake pressed the 'location' button and then as a keyboard popped out of the disc, he typed in 'Butter Barn' and sent it. He hoped that it was right.
  "And now we wait." Mancake placed the disc on table as it beeped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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