My First Day Of Hell

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David's POV:Ugh damn parents, damn life I hate this cruel world, David come downstairs right now!!! "Dad said" so I came downstairs and he said I should clean up the entire house so "I asked " why should I and instead of me doing it all the time why don't you just take your fat ass and do it by yourself Oh so now you have the guts to talk back to me "Dad said" No what I will be going for a walk and don't even thing of stopping me before he could say a word I walked out side a slammed the door and then I went out side of my compound and started strolling around my neighbourhood just to find a gang of bad boys. Omg could the day get any worse so one of the boys spotted me and chase me down before I knew the whole gang was following me so I ran back home as fast as I could and for some reason it was so dark that I even thought a demon was gonna put it's fucking head out of a pipe run to me and eat me alive, so I went back home and took some snacks upstairs to my room then ate them and went to sleep.

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