Chapter 1: Qilin

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​​​Kweilin, China

A lone raft floats along the river in Kweilin, one man steering it. He steers the raft up to this shore and stops once the raft hits the rocks. A little bowtruckle jumped from the raft to the top of the suitcase. He picks up his suitcases and started to walk up on the shore then up the hill. 

A loud moan like roar sounds out and Newt Scamander stops in his tracks as he looks around. Pickett, who was now on Newt's shoulder, looks then let's out a squeak as they hear the roar. Newt listened and took notice that the roars didn't sound angry, it sounded like a creature was in pain. "She's ready." He mutters and he heads up the hill.

He makes his way over and found a pregnant Qilin that was making the noise as she laid on her side, she was giving birth. Newt walks up to the creature and, gently, places his hand on her belly. The Qilin let's out one more pained roar then starts to get up, making Newt stumble back. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Newt said as the Qilin gets up. 

Once she starts walking away, Newt noticed an egg. The egg starts to move, like something inside was getting out, until it burst open, revealing a baby Qilin. The newborn then starts to get up on its legs and starts to walk. "Beautiful." Newt mutters as the mother starts to licks the newborn clean.

"Alright, you two. Now the tricky bit." Newt said as he sets his suitcases down, knocks on it and opens it. As the lid of the case opens, the sounds of footsteps could heard from it. Then (y/n) (l/n) emerges from the suitcase, her head at least pops up, and she stops and stares, in awe, at the Qilin. "Oh my..." she said, in awe and wonder. Then she looks up and over at Newt and the two share a smile.

Little did they know, that there were some people lurking about in the forest, they were also after the Qilin. Before (y/n) could fully climb out of the suitcase, a flash of green hits the mother which made her fall over. Newt and (y/n) were startled by this and Newt turns around and noticed three people behind them. Credence was one of them, which meant that these were Grindelwald's people.

One of them shoots another jet of green light at the creature while Newt puts up a large protective charm around them. "Get back inside." Newt tells (y/n) and she does as she's told, closing the lid behind her. Credence walks up to the protective charm and without any problems, tears a hole into the charm with his wand.

"Accio!" Newt shouts, pointing his wand at the suitcase. The case flies into his hand and he starts to run but falls down the hill, the case flying out of his hand as it tumbles down. He hears the baby Qilin cry out then runs over to it and grabs it and starts to run while Credence and his group fire spells at him as they chase after him.

Newt whistles and a creature's arms and legs come out on the edges of the case and begins to run as Newt runs and dodges the spell, still holding the Qilin. One of Grindelwald's men comes up and starts to grab at Newt but he fires a spell, knocking him back.

Newt kept running as the spells kept firing until he gets to the edge of a cliff. He starts to turn around when a spell hits him, making him fall off the cliff and into the water. Pickett starts swimming and goes over to a rock while the baby Qilin screeches out as it tries to swim and the creature in the case swims it to shore, close to Newt. Newt starts to wake up and sees Credence and his people grabbing the Qilin and take off.

Newt struggles to get up then looks down, realizing that he failed in his mission. 

Minutes later, he makes his way back to the mother Qilin, who was still alive but just barely. Newt sets his case down next to him and leans against the Qilin, giving her comfort for her final moments. "I'm so sorry." Newt whispers to her, apologetically. But then he heard another noise.

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